Moshi Moshi Productions Celebrating A Trifecta of Pre/After Megacon Fun!
16SHARESThis month, Moshi Moshi Productions will be tripling its fun this year in celebration of 10 years of Orlando geek-themed parties! This is something to behold and you’ll have no excuse to miss them as you’ll have three chances to go for it! I have to say, Moshi John will indeed impress as he’s had historically impressive events that allow you to dance the night away, fellowship with other geek/cosplay enthusiasts, and a WHOLE LOT MORE!
First, Moshi Moshi Prod. will be kicking off the Megacon event a la the Kick Off party on Thursday night at Orlando’s ICEBAR. It’ll be free cover from 8 pm to 11 pm, $10 cover from 11 pm to 2 am.
The following night, we’ll have a gallantly well done Back to the Future themed party that’ll reference the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance event as shown in the 80s flick. Appearances will be made by Marty Mcfly impersonator Rob Sims & MisStiched as Jennifer Parker from CosFX.
So Claudia Wells and Elizabeth Shue, eat your hearts out! This will be the icing on the cake that will just add to the immersion of the 80s pop culture film. This will be located at the 3NINE at the Plaza hotel. 21+ entry only per hotel policy, so ID’s will be checked.
Finally, over at ICON Park off of Int’l Drive at the Orlando Eye, is the Megacon after-party Altered Identity:
A Geeky Masquerade to celebrate Mosh Moshi Productions 10th Anniversary of parties! Here one dons a disguise a la a mask, thus the “Your face, hidden…Your personality, masked…Your identity, altered” celebration motto. Feel free to check out Embellish FX Orlando to garner facial apparel for that night.
This is a 21+ plus, I.D. required party happening from 8 pm to 2 am. So get ready for an all nighter!
Explicit details are provided via the highlighted & hyperlinked party names in this write-up, so scroll back up for the aforementioned links. So please, enjoy yourselves and if you’re staying at a hotel all 3-days, may as well take advantage! Have fun!!!!