Cosplayer Interview

Cosplayer of the Week: Kat Astrophe

Leo Nocedo : How did you discover cosplaying?
Kat Astrophe : A few of my friends would post pictures of themselves at events. I always loved dressing up in costumes for Halloween. When I found out it was okay to do it year round I jumped on the cosplay train.
Leo Nocedo : What was your first cosplay?
Kat Astrophe : My first actual cosplay for a con was Steampunk Harley Quinn.
Leo Nocedo : What are your next 3 cosplay plans?
Kat Astrophe : Poison Ivy, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Steampunk Ariel
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever been in a cosplay contest?
Kat Astrophe : Once. As a trio. I was Morticia Addams. I was with a Gomez and Wednesday.
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer sewing, armor making, or wig working?
Kat Astrophe : Wig working is easiest. I can’t sew, I just glue or pin everything together. I have never made armor.
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to do photoshoots at cons or at specific locations?
Kat Astrophe : I like photoshoots any place, but I have only did them at cons.
Leo Nocedo : Is there a type of character you cosplay frequently?
Kat Astrophe : Merida, Harley Quinn, and Rogue from X-Men are my favorite go-to’s.
Leo Nocedo : Do you have any favorite cosplayers?
Kat Astrophe : I love Oh my Sophii! She’s so sweet and cute and I love her cosplays!
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most detailed cosplay you’ve ever done?
Kat Astrophe : My Steampunk Alice in Wonderland. The top of my top hat even had a small tea party going on.
Leo Nocedo : What are your top 3 craftsmanship tips?
Kat Astrophe : You can never use enough glue. Don’t wait until the last minute to put things together. Always do a cosplay test wear before deciding it is done.
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite cosplay you’ve done?
Kat Astrophe : Tinkerbell. The kids love her.
Leo Nocedo : What is your worst cosplay “horror” story?
Kat Astrophe : Bending over in a corset and the boning popping out and stabbing me the rest of the day.
Leo Nocedo : What’s your funniest cosplay story?
Kat Astrophe : I don’t really have one. Other than laughing when I am dressed up as Merida and everyone thinks I am Fiona from Shrek.
Leo Nocedo : What’s the best in-character interaction you’ve ever had?
Kat Astrophe : As Harley Quinn and you come face to face with a Joker or Batman and the Mayhem ensues!
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever cosplayed with a family member?
Kat Astrophe : Yes. My daughter has been the Peter Pan to my Tinkerbell and Katana from Suicide Squad when I am Harley Quinn.
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite cosplay photo of yourself?
It was done by 8bit_fuzion_graphics and I was wearing Mei-Ling from Overwatch.
Leo Nocedo : What are your go-to stores for cosplay materials/full cosplays?
Kat Astrophe : I put my cosplays together from random things in my closet, thrift stores,,, etc
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to buy pre-styled wigs or style your own?
Kat Astrophe : I style my own normally.
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever had someone mistake you for a different character?
Kat Astrophe : Merida is always mistaken for Fiona.
Leo Nocedo : List all the cosplays you’ve done
Kat Astrophe : Steampunk Harley, Original Harley, Steampunk Alice in Wonderland, Morticia Addams, Princess Merida (Brave)/Casual Merida (Ralph Breaks the Internet), Village Ariel, Snow White, Tinkerbell, Rogue (XMEN)/Steampunk Rogue, Velma, Steampunk Wonder Woman, Jubilee (XMEN), Fiona Warrior Princess, Scarlet Witch (Avengers), Raven (Teen Titans), Beetle Juice (Genderbend), Mei-Ling (Overwatch), Darth Zannah (Star Wars), Cruella DeVil, Black Cat (Spiderman), Bulma (DBZ)
Leo Nocedo : What’s the biggest con you’ve cosplayed at?
Kat Astrophe : Megacon Orlando
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer cosplaying characters with props, or characters that you don’t need to carry a prop around all day?
Kat Astrophe : I like having a prop as then I have something to do with my hands.
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever lost a cosplay piece at a con?
Kat Astrophe : Just once. It made me super sad. It is a piece of Mei-Ling’s freeze ray.
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever bought a cosplay piece at a con?
Kat Astrophe : Noooo they are always way more pricey at a con!
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to cosplay solo or in a group?
Kat Astrophe : I love group cosplays! They are lots of fun and usually more interactive.
Leo Nocedo : If you had a chance to meet your all-time favorite cosplayer, what would you say to them?
Kat Astrophe : I would just beg them to teach me all the ways!
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever done a cosplay panel?
Kat Astrophe : No.
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to buy or make cosplays?
Leo Nocedo : If you could tell your past self anything about cosplay, what would you say?
Kat Astrophe : Wear it and ignore the haters!
Leo Nocedo : What is your ultimate dream cosplay?
Kat Astrophe : Red Barbarian female character in Diablo. I need to learn how to make armor first though.
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most difficult cosplay you’ve ever done? (Craftsmanship, wearing of, ect)
Kat Astrophe : I try to keep them simple since I am not good at builds. Doing Mei-Ling’s freezer pack to hook up to my ray gun was probably the most difficult to make.
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most difficult character makeup you’ve done?
Kat Astrophe : Fiona Warrior Princess. So much green! I had to do layers as the makeup would try to come off if smudged.
Leo Nocedo : What, in your opinion, makes a cosplayer a “pro” cosplayer?
Kat Astrophe : Knows the in and outs of building armor, sewing, wig manipulation, prop making, and goes all out for their character builds.
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite part of cosplaying?
Kat Astrophe : Seeing my cos family and friends and discussing our latest builds and having fun at con.
Leo Nocedo : What’s your social media info?
Kat Astrophe : IG: Kat_Astrophe_Queen


NocedoPhoto Media Group is an innovative and creative consortium that unites photographers, writers, cosplayers, event promoters, vendors, costume and prop makers, and other creatives under one roof to use their collective skills to maximize their distribution and presence on digital media platforms. Their goal is to create a well-rounded and successful network for all involved.