Convention Update

Transformers Illustrator Joshua Perez at the Lake County Comic Con!


Meet IDW Comics colorist and illustrator on The Transformers Joshua Perez on Sunday November 21st, 2021 at the
Lake County Comic Convention in Groveland Florda.

Joshua Perez is a comic-book colorist and illustrator formerly from Texas, now in Florida, whose Transformers output includes work for Dreamwave, IDW, and Fun Publications. For some time, Perez was the colorist for most of fellow artist Alex Milne’s work, though not on Milne’s recent title.

He claims that fellow colorist Priscilla Tramontano stole his hair.


Lake County Comic Convention
Sun, November 21, 2021
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Trilogy Orlando
100 Falling Acorn Avenue
Groveland, FL 34736


"Where Pop Culture Happens!"