Radiant Black #16 To Feature Cover By Vlad Legostaev To Support Ukraine Relief Efforts
22SHARESUkrainian artist Vlad Legostaev is teaming up with Kyle Higgins and Marcelo Costa for an exciting Radiant Black variant—the proceeds for which will go toward supporting The Ukraine Humanitarian Fund relief efforts.
“Vlad’s cover work is a stunning addition to the lineup of excellent artists we get to work with, but what makes this special cover particularly exciting for us is its potential to help support a people in need right now,” said Higgins.
In Radiant Black #16—for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Piece by piece, Marshall has managed to dismantle the EpicFront empire.
Radiant Black #16 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, July 27:
- Radiant Black #16 Cover D by Legostaev – Request it from your local comic shop on PREVIEWS PullBox (Diamond Code FEB228639)