
Adventures In Japan Day 1: Arrival

 Last year I signed up to be a chaperone for my niece’s trip to Japan and I told Scott I would write about it so you can live vicariously through me.

My day started at 2:30am EST 6/6 and is wrapping up as I type this 8:30am EST 6/7 (9:30pm JST 6/7). I slept over at my sister’s house because we needed to be at the Tampa Airport at 5:30 am because the flight left at 8:30am. I didn’t get much sleep due to a combination of excitement and her dog wanting to give me kisses while I tried to sleep. The dog finally settled down and I was able to sleep but about 2:30am she kicked the wall and woke herself up and because she was awake she decided I needed to be awake too.

We left my sister’s house at 3:30 and got to the airport around 5:30 where we met with the rest of the group, got our tickets and waited. We took Delta so we had a 2 hour lay over in Atlanta, so we got on the plane and 2 episodes of Bob’s Burgers we were in Atlanta. We get to our gate in Atlanta and wait about 30 minutes and they start the boarding. The plane is a 777 and had 9 rows of seats. I was seated in E so I was right in the middle of the middle and couldn’t take on pictures out the window. So began the longest 14 hours of my life.

Nothing makes you realize time doesn’t exist like an international plane ride. The plane ride was so long we got 2 meals and a snack, the first meal was at about 1pm est and I had Stir Fried Pork. The snack was a mini flat bread pizza and ice cream. The second meal was around midnight est and they offered scrambled eggs or chicken yakitori. During the flight I watched 4 movies and 2 more episodes of Bob’s Burgers. I watched so much stuff I got a headache. I watched Teen Titans Go to the Movies, Ralph Breaks the Internet (Why wasn’t this movie called Ralph Wrecks the Internet?), The Incredibles 2 and Deadpool 2. I also slept about 2 hours, so I’m going about 30 hours on 2 hours of sleep. We landed in Narita and then had to wait for another group to show up and we had an hour bus ride to get into Tokyo and to the hotel where we had dinner.

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Dinner was mixed Katsu (I think) with rice and miso soup. It was good but I didn’t eat the crab since I don’t eat seafood (but I will eat sea weed).

After dinner we got our rooms and I showered and decided to walk around a bit. I went to a Lawson convenient store and a japanese 7-11

Today’s candy is Gummi GingerAle Up. It’s a ginger ale flavored gummy candy. It’s good, it tastes like ginger ale so you’re getting what you’re expecting. There is a slight burning on the tongue after eating it.

Tomorrow starts the official start of the tour, so I’ll try and have something more exciting then “I watched movies and ate food on a plane”

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to crash.


Anthony spends most of his time thinking about games. When not playing games, writing about games, or thinking about games he can be found hunting pokemon in the wilds of downtown Clermont.If you like the words I write, maybe consider supporting me on Patreon?