Comic Book Review

Doom 2099 #1

Doom 2099 #1

Written by: Chip Zdarsky

Art by: Marco Castiello

Marvel Comics


The future is Doom! In 2099, everything has changed. Technology has changed. Governments have changed. People have changed. But only one thing has remained the same…DOOM.

This was a very interesting one-shot. The story made me think it was going one way and then it through me for a loop by the end. The comic centers on Doctor Doom, my favorite supervillain of all time, so I was really looking forward to checking this book out. I have been a fan of the original 2099 Marvel line since I was as a kid with Spider-Man 2099 and Doom 2099 being my favorites.

The basic premise of the story is that sometime back in the present, Reed Richards tries to warn Doctor Doom that the United Nations has declared war on Doom and Latveria. He continued by saying that they were going to hit Doom with everything they had. Doom rejects his warning and says that he will face the U.N. forces head on and that they will feel to full firepower of Latveria. After failing to reason with Doom, Richards tries to stop him by force to prevent a war. During the struggle, Reed’s actions send Doom into the future to the year 2099. Doom wakes up to a world he does not recognize and during his search for answers he discovers that everything he thought he knew of his situation was wrong.

The writing by Chip Zdarsky is great and perfectly captures the dynamic between Reed and Doom and their opposing philosophies. He also does a really good job in capturing Doom’s personality and thought process. I am interested to see where the story goes from here, especially after seeing the last page. The Doom from 2099 played a big role in the original 2099 line’s run so we will have to see how big of a role Doom will have in this 2099 revival event.

As for the art by Marco Castiello, my one negative was that some of the the characters’ faces had too little detail in some of the panels. As for the rest of the comic, the art was very well done overall. I especially liked the designs for the three different costumes and masks worn by Doom, especially the main one Doom wears for the majority of the book. The masks for the first two costumes were very steampunk-like to me in their design and helped create a very cool look for the character. His costume reminded me of a Sword and Sorcery Fantasy knight’s armor. This fits his character as it has been shown on multiple occasions that Doom is not just highly skilled in science, but also in fantastical arts such as sorcery.

Overall, this was a fun book to read with a good story and well done visuals. If you are a fan of the original 2099 imprint and/or a big Doctor Doom fan like me, I highly recommend checking it out.



Doom 2099 #1

A fun book to read with a good story and well done visuals. Highly recommended to fans of the original Marvel 2099 imprint and/or Doctor Doom.


Nicholas grew up reading J.R.R. Tolkien's books, watching Disney and Studio Ghibli films, and reading Marvel comics and Japanese manga. The superb storylines and characters ignited his passion for writing. He graduated from Full Sail University in 2015 with a BFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment. During his writing career thus far, Nicholas has had numerous short stories and articles published in an array of literary magazines and websites.