Comic Book Review

Kaiju Score #2

Kaiju Score #2

Written by: James Patrick

Illustrated by: Rem Broo

Aftershock Comics



Every detail is planned. The players are set. And the craziest and most dangerous heist ever conceived of is a go.

But to get here, Marco has had to agree to let another person on the team, and the new guy isn’t exactly fitting in. To make matters worse, the truth about another member of the group comes to light. Oh, and there are giant monsters.

In short, I was a huge fan of issue #1, and I’m a huge fan of issue #2. The premise is fantastic, and while the story is a little less action packed than I expected, I’m thoroughly enjoying the twists and turns, especially the big ones.

Kaiju Score #2 still features the same style and quality of art I liked so much in the first issue, so there’s no complaints there. I’m happy to know that they weren’t just pulling out all the stops for the premiere. Every page of this issue is still detailed and colorful, and as long as you gel with the style, there’s just nothing not to like.

And the story really ramps up all the stakes, more than once, actually. One of the biggest examples changes the tone a little bit, but it’s an exciting change, and nothing we shouldn’t have seen coming, considering the premise.

Kaiju Score so far has been a welcome surprise to me. It sneaked up on me and really pulled me in. The characters all have such personality, the art is fantastic on every page, and the story is unlike anything else I’ve seen. If you’re interested at all in heist capers or giant monster movies, I just don’t see how you could go wrong here.




I was wrong, this is a much better diversion!

Nothing may be going right in the story, but the comic is nailing almost everything. There's a little less action than I expected from a kaiju caper, but the tension is still building, and the stakes are getting higher at every turn.


Brian has been reading comics since January, 1987, when the death of Optimus Prime rocked his young world. Once a regular presenter on The Nerdstravaganza Podcast, Brian now writes for Florida Geek Scene.