
MarkWHO42’s Universe – Episode 327 – Kickstarting Pandora: Let the Fun Begin!

The77 Publications presents the latest and greatest brand new comic anthology – Pandora. What inspired Jo Heeley to take this leap of faith? Is Penny Pentagram joining in on the fun? Does Andrew Richmond really create one sketch a day? Find out as Mark Baumgarten and Vicky Jakubowski fall down the rabbit hole with Jo and Andrew of Pandora.

This episode features new content not heard on SUBSPACE Radio!

Pandora comics’ Kickstarter campaign can be found at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pandora1/pandora-2?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=pandora

Andrew Richmond’s artwork website can be found at https://andrewrichmondart.com/

The77 Publications back issues can be found at https://the77comic.bigcartel.com/


Mark Baumgarten is an old school Whovian who hosts and runs the award-winning online science fiction radio show and podcast The MarkWHO42's Universe Podcast. He became a fan of Doctor Who in 1978 and worked on several of the Omnicon Conventions in South Florida back in the 1980's. With an accumulated knowledge of Who-lore as well as Science Fiction in general, he needed to share it with the world. In 2010 he started markwho42 Books selling Doctor Who books online and at conventions and in 2012 started the show MarkWHO42 and has been invited as a guest panelist at conventions around the country. He definitely puts the "Mark" in MarkWHO42!