
The MarkWHO42’s Universe Podcast – Episode 339 – MarkWHO42 is HAUNTED!

The77 Publications has announced their newest comic, This Comic is HAUNTED, a horror-themed comic anthology.

Who inspires editor Dave Heeley? Which comic books and movies from his youth still shape his projects? How did his sister, Jo Heeley, find her own voice, and what fuels her imagination? What is it like working with so many creative people and do they have favorites? Where can we join the Kickstarter campaign?

Listen to this episode of MarkWHO42’s Universe as Mark Baumgarten and Vicky Jakubowski chat with the dynamic duo Jo and Dave Heeley on their current project, our childhoods, and the bright future of The77 Publications.

This episode features new content not heard on Subspace Radio Network!

For The77 Publications‘ social media and store links, go to https://linktr.ee/The77

The Kickstarter campaign for This Comic is HAUNTED is over! It was a success, raising over £1,000 more than they needed! Thanks to everyone who contributed and be expecting your perks soon!!!


Mark Baumgarten is an old school Whovian who hosts and runs the award-winning online science fiction radio show and podcast The MarkWHO42's Universe Podcast. He became a fan of Doctor Who in 1978 and worked on several of the Omnicon Conventions in South Florida back in the 1980's. With an accumulated knowledge of Who-lore as well as Science Fiction in general, he needed to share it with the world. In 2010 he started markwho42 Books selling Doctor Who books online and at conventions and in 2012 started the show MarkWHO42 and has been invited as a guest panelist at conventions around the country. He definitely puts the "Mark" in MarkWHO42!