Comic Book News

Breakout Top Cow Hit Antarctica Extended Into Ongoing Series

Second story arc takes readers on a ride that’s equal parts The Fugitive meets The Cabin in the Woods

Thanks to the overwhelming fan excitement and positive critical response to Top Cow Productions’s latest sci-fi adventure series, Antarctica by Simon Birks (Hexes, Gone, Robyn) and Willi Roberts (Black in the Dark, Remothered). Marc Silvestri, Top Cow CEO and Image Comics co-founder, has greenlit the popular science-fiction story for an ongoing publication schedule beyond the originally solicited five-issues.

Though Antarctica has been a unique blend of Stargate and His Dark Materials, the second arc will throw readers back to a time before Hannah’s father, Jerome, disappeared. The creators will continue to deliver twists and turns, introduce new characters—both good and bad—and the excitement and mystery will continue to play out against the backdrop of snow and ice.

“From the beginning, Top Cow has been known to be a boutique art shop, and Antarctica certainly fits what Marc Silvestri intended back in the ’90s…to support creators who take a gamble on their own creations and make comics that take readers to a place that they never knew that they wanted to go,” said Matt Hawkins, President at Top Cow. “Simon Birks, Willi Roberts, and Lyndon White are shining examples, and no wonder the fans and critics responded.”

Since the series only just launched in July, Birks remained tight lipped to avoid spoilers, but added: “If readers already love the first two issues of volume one, they’re going to love this new arc as we get the chance to delve deep into the previous events surrounding the Fracture and explore the Hannahs’ stories. We’re thrilled to once again be working with the team at Top Cow. Not only have they been professional, but they’ve really taken the time to get to know us, and I’m delighted they love the book as much as we do. Antarctica takes no prisoners, and I’m excited to share our adventure with the readers. Willi and I have created something exceptional; an incredible experience full of unique twists and turns to keep everyone guessing right up until the end. As if one married The Fugitive with The Cabin in the Woods.”

The Antarctica creators can now expand the story and Roberts added: “There was a lot of content in my head that I wanted to share with our readers, from material to design…characters, structures, costumes and many others that will be revealed over time. So, don’t doubt that everything will get bigger and more complex. This is a story that you will remember and will make you question your own reality.”

“It’s amazing to see how much Antarctica is resonating with readers. I’m thrilled people are taking a chance on us and are coming along for the ride,” said letterer Lyndon White. “As a letterer, there’s a lot to play with here. Plus, there are some amazing action sequences coming up, and I got to create some dynamic sound effects.”

Birks, Roberts, and White have created a visually rich world with a diverse cast of characters, incredible set pieces, and dialogue that fans can get lost in. To set the mood further, the creators created a Spotify playlist that accompanies the visuals they have so passionately created.

Birks added: “We can’t wait to take everyone back to Antarctica.”

Antarctica #6 Cover A by Willi Roberts and Antarctica #6 Cover B by Lyndon White will be in comic shops on Wednesday, December 13 and also available on digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.

WRITER: Simon Birks
ARTIST: Willi Roberts
LETTERER: Lyndon White

DECEMBER 13 / 32 PAGES / FC / T+ / $3.99

THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST. It’s Christmas Eve. Hannah is seven years old and looking forward to spending the holidays with her father, but when she wakes on Christmas morning, things don’t seem right. Jerome is acting suspiciously; the windows are showing the same scenes over and over again, and someone, or something, is waiting for her on the other side of the wall…


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