Board Games

Review: Thanos Rising – Avengers: Infinity War

Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War

Thanos Rising is a Co-op card/dice board game where up to 4 players take on Thanos and his Black Order. Each Player chooses a base and each base comes with a leader. The rest of the cards, both heroes and villains, are shuffled into a pile and cards are dealt around Thanos.

Thanos’ goal is to collect the Infinity Stones to complete the Infinity Gauntlet and wipe out half the universe and your goal is to stop him. The heroes win if they can defeat 7 of Thanos’ underlings which include The Black Order and the Outrider Generals.

Thanos wins if he collects all the Infinity Stones, defeats 10 heroes or destroys a players base by beating all the heroes there.

At the start of the turn Thanos rolls 2 dice, 1 decides where he faces and thus who he hits and the other gives him a counter towards getting one of the gems. Any heroes Thanos faces get hit and take damage, any villains that Thanos faces activates there effect which range from extra damage to rolling the Stone dice again and getting that much closer to collecting an Infinity Stone.

When Thanos collects an Infinity Stone it is moved to the Infinity Gauntlet and its power is active for the rest of the game, powers that include dealing damage to the turn players hero with the most health or least health.

The player rolls power dice listed on their base and any extra dice listed on heroes they recruited, these dice are used to recruit heroes or attack villains. After the first roll dice are distributed between the heroes and villians in the deployment area that they chose at the beginning of the turn and any dice not distributed can be re-rolled once. When a hero is successfully recruited the card is placed by your base and any damage is completely healed. Any defeated villain is discarded. Any empty space is replaced with a new card from the top of the deck at the end of the turn.

Each base has a different color, with each color representing a different aspect of the heroes. Red is for the Avengers lead by Captain America who are more physical, green is Mystic and lead by Doctor Strange, purple is cosmic and lead by Gamora, and blue is tech based and lead by Black Panther.

As you recruit heroes they each have a skill. The leaders each have an ability that if you recruit someone with the same color you get an extra dice. Each color also has a vehicle that lets you heal one damage to anyone during your turn. Some skills let you change what you rolled on your power dice, some skills require the use of power dice to use, and some require cards of a different color to be usable.

Because the game is everyone vs Thanos it requires cooperation and teamwork. You all win together or lose together because if Thanos takes out one whole base everyone loses. So remember, this is Infinity War not Civil War so work as a team, or if you’re like me all your friends are adults with jobs and responsibilities you can play by yourself.

The way the game is set up it’s possible to to play alone and try to fight Thanos with just one base or you can set up multiple for yourself, I’m not going to judge you.


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*Thanos Rising was played and reviewed at: West Orange Comics & Video Games


Unleashing Infinity: A Critical Look at Thanos Rising - Avengers: Infinity War - The Board Game

Thanos Rising is a Co-op card/dice board game where up to 4 players take on Thanos and his Black Order. Each Player chooses a base and each base comes with a leader. The rest of the cards, both heroes and villains, are shuffled into a pile and cards are dealt around Thanos.


Anthony spends most of his time thinking about games. When not playing games, writing about games, or thinking about games he can be found hunting pokemon in the wilds of downtown Clermont.If you like the words I write, maybe consider supporting me on Patreon?