A bright spot in these strange times is that there is time for more art! Skottie’s commission list has not been open for some time.
It’s 100% FREE! It’s 100% Online! NO LINES! No TICKETS! Just Pop Culture Fan Fun!
In these difficult times as we all practice safe and smart social distancing, HWWS
From Nothing, Something comes. Espers is a creation mythology. Most fantasy stories begin in the waning days of magical power, at their height, or on some damn crusade to reclaim a lost era.
✅► Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheReasonsImBroke ◄✅ In #398, long-time Brokette and collector, Johnny2Chips, guests on for some comic and shop talk! FOLLOW JOHN: @johnny2chips (Insta) TKO STUDIOS… Continue reading