Leo Nocedo: How did you discover cosplaying?
Jackie Sonnenberg : It kind of went together with researching costume ideas for haunted houses as I am a haunted house actor. I then decided to go to conventions for fun as my favorite video game and movie characters.
Tag: 2021
Rick Remender Teams With André Araújo for Murder Mystery in a Righteous Thirst for Vengeance
When an unassuming man stumbles upon a dark-web contract assassin’s vicious plot to kill an innocent target, he turns himself into one. The Professional meets Road to Perdition in this story of a family’s unlikely guardian being hunted by rich and powerful men who are used to getting away with everything.
Time Before Time Features a Standalone Story Illustrated by Series Co-creator Declan Shalvey & a Special Mike Del Mundo Variant
Bestselling series Time Before Time by Declan Shalvey, Rory McConville, and Joe Palmer will kick off a new story arc this November from Image Comics, but in October Time Before Time #6 will tell a standalone story—drawn by Shalvey and featuring a 1994-themed variant by Mike Del Mundo.
Follow the West Orange Comics Facebook page or give them a call at (407) 741-3195 for more information.