✅► Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheReasonsImBroke ◄✅ In #463, Nick and I discuss ICV2’s comic sales report, Coca-Cola sponsoring FCBD, Zack Snyder’s Batman Catwoman post, and more! FOLLOW/SUPPORT… Continue reading
Tag: Comics
Shades of Vengeance continues to grow and influence the world of comics and other aspects of the storytelling industry. In Episode 476, Ed Jowett is back, and this… Continue reading
World-class art and great stories are the heart and soul of Allegiance Arts & Entertainment.
✅► Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheReasonsImBroke ◄✅ In #394, we spotlight Alterna Comics’ Bernie Gonzalez as we discuss Midnight Mystery, the state of the comic industry, his process… Continue reading