The beloved, critically-acclaimed Fishflies series by New York Times bestselling, multiple award winning creator Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, Gideon Falls, Descender) will be collected in its entirety, issues #1-7, into hardcover format in March 2025 from Image Comics.
Tag: Hardcover
Comic Book News
Eye-Popping Savage Dragon Vault Edition Hardcover To Showcase Erik Larsen’s Iconic Artwork This October
The forthcoming Savage Dragon Vault Edition will collect the early creative origins of one of Image Comics’ titular, best-loved characters and longest-running titles.
The world of comic books is no stranger to epic battles and larger-than-life stories, but the latest project from master storyteller Trevor Hairsine and publisher Bad Idea promises to take readers to new depths of excitement.
Special Episode #600 features a great conversation with Benjamin Morse from August: Purgatory Underground – Book One! 540 Views Play in new window | Download