Comic Book News

New Death Sentence Liberty With Ben Oliver Variant

The fourth Death Sentence Liberty Kickstarter is live on 5th September featuring a rare Ben Oliver cover, limited edition gold foil variants, and the ever-popular Story So Far (issues #1-4) for new readers.

Death Sentence Liberty is an epic tale of a super-powered virus which  kills its unlucky victims in six months, simultaneously gifting them the power to potentially change the world. But times running out. What would you do?

Each comic is stuffed full of original plotting, incredible characters, and vivid dialogue featuring fan favorite characters Verity, Roots, and Jeb.

Verity is the beating heart of the story. Frustrated and unfulfilled she longs for something more than cheap thrills and empty sex – to be a great artist and achieve something timeless. But she’s battling malevolent government forces, currently hiding out with Roots in the heart of London and plotting how to strike back.

Roots is half-woman, half-plant, 100% badass – an ex drug dealer using her burgeoning G-plus powers to protect her hood from the police and gang violence.

Jeb is an FBI agent infiltrating the UK’s top-secret G-plus research facility to steal their secrets. He’s a family man in far worse trouble than he realizes – as the visceral end to issue #3 illustrates. How can he possibly survive to complete his mission? Interior art or covers for the series are provided by comic book superstars Luke Ross, Ben Oliver, Martin Simmonds (Black Crown, Vault), and Monty Nero himself (Marvel, Vertigo, Titan, Delcourt).

Monty says “I’m particularly proud of the work Martin and I have done on this series to date. There’s some incredibly tense action, but it all reveals character, and it’s beautifully choreographed. Words and visuals in perfect balance, that’s what great comics are all about. I think the time we lavish on these pages makes them so much more rewarding than your typical monthly comic. Death Sentence comics have become real events for fans all over the world, and we’re gaining new readers with each issue.”

The Death Sentence Liberty 4 campaign ends on Tues October 1st at 5pm BST and you can check it out here


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