
Nerd Music Meltdown #38: Jackson Parodi Returns

We’re excited to have the great Jackson Parodi back on the Nerd Music Meltdown! Last time we had him, Jackson was the accordionist for the video game band Random Encounter, which has since disbanded.


In the wake of that, Jackson has dominated on both YouTube and Twitch, got put over by Kenny Omega, and will be performing at the upcoming Zeldathon in December. We talk about the end of Random Encounter, learning piano, wanting to be seen a more than a musician, and of course pro wrestling and why Jackson went through a table and filmed it.

Get more of Jackson Parodi at jacksonparodi.com, twitch.tv/jacksonparodi, and youtube.com/jacksonparodi. Find our more about Zeldathon at zeldathon.net. Want to get these episodes sooner? Support us on patreon.com/ongakuoverdrive.


Kent Ward is the founder of Ongaku Overdrive and Propeller Anime, the host of Nerd Music Meltdown, and has staffed for conventions such as CEO Gaming, Anime Festival Orlando, and Mega Con.