Convention Update

Anime Iwai 2020 Cancellation

Hello Anime Iwai Family,

Our staff at Anime Iwai have been tirelessly working on ways to try and make Anime Iwai: Yatta happen for our fans. However, Covid-19 continues to spike and surge in the number of cases in our home. We consider everyone who staffs, volunteers, and attends our show as family. The thought of putting any of our family at risk during this year was on the forefront of our minds when we made our decision.

With that in mind, we have decided it was in ours, and the community’s best interest to cancel Anime Iwai: Yatta. While this decision weighed heavy in our hearts, our primary concern was for the safety of everyone who attends Anime Iwai, attendees and staff alike. If you have already purchased a ticket for Anime Iwai: Yatta, your pass will be automatically rolled over to 2021. If you have a specific question, there will be a Q and A available on our website and social media, as well as a Town Hall held with our Con Chair, Senpai Paul Cohen. The Town Hall will be Monday, July 13, at 7pm EST via Facebook live. For the specific questions you might have: please attend the town hall or visit our dedicated webpage about covid-19.

On a positive note, please stay tuned for “A I TV”, which is streaming during the weekend of our original dates November 12th-15th. AI TV is free for everyone! We look forward to putting on a digital event where we can all share along and celebrate from the safety of our homes. More details are soon to come!

Stay safe, and with strong hope, we will see you in 2021!

Paul Cohen, Con Chair, Anime Iwai,


NocedoPhoto Media Group is an innovative and creative consortium that unites photographers, writers, cosplayers, event promoters, vendors, costume and prop makers, and other creatives under one roof to use their collective skills to maximize their distribution and presence on digital media platforms. Their goal is to create a well-rounded and successful network for all involved.