Comic Book News

The Department of Truth Heat Escalates in Three Issue Sellout, Series Rushed Back to Print

Despite sales that have exceeded 100K copies, the fever pitch behind James Tynion IV (Batman, Something is Killing the Children) and Martin Simmonds (Dying is Easy) new series The Department of Truth has reached new heights with a multiple issue sellout and a fast-tracked reprint order from Image Comics.

The conspiracy theory riddled thriller Department of Truth launched this past September to some of the most hype seen on a series since the previous year’s Undiscovered Country. Early praise rolled in from members of the press, from outlets like Entertainment Weekly to Forbes, while members within the industry buzzed public enthusiasm online to support the series release.

In The Department of Truth readers meet Cole Turner, a man who has studied conspiracy theories all his life—but never prepared to discover that all of them are true. From the JFK Assassination to Flat Earth Theory and Reptilian Shapeshifters, one organization has been covering them up for generations. What is the deep, dark secret behind the Department of Truth?

The Department of Truth #1, third printing (Diamond Code OCT209299) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, January 13.

The Department of Truth #2, second printing (Diamond Code OCT209300) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, January 13.

The Department of Truth #3, second printing (Diamond Code OCT209301) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, January 13.

The Department of Truth #4 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, December 23.

The Department of Truth is also available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.

Select praise for The Department of Truth:

“Genuinely one of the best comics you’ll read this year. Do not miss it.” —Scott Snyder

“A story for our zeitgeist. Simmonds’ art invokes Bill Sienkiewicz.” —Entertainment Weekly

“A wonderfully dizzy mixture of Men in Black, John Carpenter, Stephen King, The Matrix, and 1970s conspiracy thrillers.” —Forbes

“It is FANTASTIC. Can’t wait to read the whole series!” —Patton Oswalt

“A new conspiracy thriller comic that should appeal to anyone with a fondness for The X-Files.” —IGN

“The hype on this is real.” —Brian Michael Bendis

“Hickmanian conspiracy games, Burroughsian crime, Sienkiewiczian style. The Truth: you want it.” —Kieron Gillen




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