Cosplayer Interview

Cosplayer of the Week: Miguel Nieves

Leo Nocedo :  What was your first cosplay?
Miguel Nieves : I truly enjoyed my first #cosplay as the #punisher . But most importantly I wanted to have a #photoshot With Stan the man .I didn’t want to just take a photo with Stan Lee simply as a fan . I wanted to take a photo with him as a #marvel character . To honor the man who gave the world so many #amazing #superhero s the world could identify with all their lives and pass on to their children .
Leo Nocedo : What are your next 3 cosplay plans?
Miguel Nieves : To cosplay Batman , Briareos & Quasimodo
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever been in a cosplay contest?
Miguel Nieves : Yes several But just for fun .
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer sewing, armor making, or wig working?
Miguel Nieves : I prefer armor but I’m still a rookie.
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to do photoshoots at cons or at specific locations?
Miguel Nieves : I like to do both . But I have to admit I love group meetups they are the best.
Leo Nocedo : Is there a type of character you cosplay frequently?
Miguel Nieves :The Punisher💀
Leo Nocedo : Do you have any favorite cosplayers?
Miguel Nieves : To be honest the list is extra large because it also contains groups like Florida Cosplayorge &We Are S.H.I.E.L.D.
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most detailed cosplay you’ve ever done?
Miguel Nieves : My Classic Nick Fury Cosplay.
Leo Nocedo : What are your top 3 craftsmanship tips?
Miguel Nieves : Listen very closely to the pro Builders and follow instructions and most importantly pay attention to detail.
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite cosplay you’ve done?
Miguel Nieves : The Punisher 💀
Leo Nocedo : What is your worst cosplay “horror” story?
Miguel Nieves : Frank Castle prison cosplay I over did it with the blood and had to do eye wash several times .
Leo Nocedo : What’s your funniest cosplay story?
Miguel Nieves : I was asked to do a photo ops with a female congoer. Who’s Boy friend didn’t know who I was Cosplaying and I and the girl caught our selves laughing at the same time . It was the first time I smiled taking a photo as the punisher no matter how hard I tried to grimes
Leo Nocedo : What’s the best in-character interaction you’ve ever had?
Miguel Nieves :Cosplaying the Punisher fighting old man Logan at ULTRACON 2018
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever cosplayed with a family member?
Miguel Nieves : Sadly no
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite cosplay photo of yourself?
Miguel Nieves : Firing dual Colt 45s dressed as the punisher with the red deaths head skull and the meanest look I ever did to bring out the punisher the best way I could .
Leo Nocedo : What are your go-to stores for cosplay materials/full cosplays?
Miguel Nieves : Rex fabrics and Michaels .
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to buy pre-styled wigs or style your own?
Miguel Nieves : I haven’t done any wigs yet . Lol
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever had someone mistake you for a different character?
Miguel Nieves : Honesty no .

Leo Nocedo : What’s the biggest con you’ve cosplayed at?
Miguel Nieves : NYCC 2017 and C2E2 2018
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer cosplaying characters with props, or characters that you don’t need to carry a prop around all day?
Miguel Nieves : I prefer to carry props it definitely keeps me in character.
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever lost a cosplay piece at a con?
Miguel Nieves : Yes a really cool pair of gloves from my punisher cosplay . It’s funny because they discontinued that style of glove . Damn lol
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever bought a cosplay piece at a con?
Miguel Nieves : Yes T-shirts for my Punishercosplay at Florida Supercon in 2017
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to cosplay solo or in a group?
Miguel Nieves : I perfer both because it really gives the character I’m Cosplaying dimension .
Leo Nocedo : If you had a chance to meet your all-time favorite cosplayer, what would you say to them?
Miguel Nieves :  I have met and complimented Travisjason13 I’m a big Jason fan and to me Travis is the best Jason cosplayer I ever met and appreciate.
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever done a cosplay panel?
Miguel Nieves : Yes I’ve done several ULTRACON , Gamer Comic Expo 2017
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to buy or make cosplays?
Miguel Nieves : I perfer both . It’s always good to keep your option open .
Leo Nocedo : If you could tell your past self anything about cosplay, what would you say?
Miguel Nieves : Learn how to build . Lo
Leo Nocedo : What is your ultimate dream cosplay?
Miguel Nieves :Batman and have the costume built by @reevzfx I truly love his work .
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most difficult cosplay you’ve ever done? (Craftsmanship, wearing of, ect)
Miguel Nieves :The punisher painting my props . You definitely have to have a ton of patience.
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most difficult character makeup you’ve done?
Miguel Nieves :The blood makeup for Frank Castle prison cosplay .
Leo Nocedo : What, in your opinion, makes a cosplayer a “pro” cosplayer?
Miguel Nieves : Bringing your best to a comic con each and every time no matter how your body feels . Also keeping a positive mental attitude no matter what the situation is .
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite part of cosplaying?
Miguel Nieves : Bringing the character to life so the public enjoys your cosplay talents.
Leo Nocedo : Make up your own question! Why is Cosplay important to you?
Miguel Nieves : To be honest it’s like taking a vacation away from life and enjoying the 🌎 world of make believe even if it’s just for a little while .


NocedoPhoto Media Group is an innovative and creative consortium that unites photographers, writers, cosplayers, event promoters, vendors, costume and prop makers, and other creatives under one roof to use their collective skills to maximize their distribution and presence on digital media platforms. Their goal is to create a well-rounded and successful network for all involved.