Cosplayer Interview

Cosplayer of the Week: Amelia Poole (Harlequin)

Leo Nocedo : How did you discover cosplaying?
Amelia Poole : I used to be in theater! I started making costumes for fun, then someone told me it was called “cosplay”
Leo Nocedo : What was your first cosplay?
Amelia Poole :Harley Quinn, but with pieces I bought from Hot Topic
Leo Nocedo : What are your next 3 cosplay plans?
Amelia Poole : Lady Loki, Eryn, Horseman of War (Building Blocks web Comic on Tapas), and Queen Mab
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever been in a cosplay contest?
Amelia Poole : Yes! I’ve lost count, and I host them now
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer sewing, armor making, or wig working?
Amelia Poole : It’s between armor and sewing, I’ve never been a huge fan of wig work
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to do photoshoots at cons or at specific locations?
Amelia Poole : I prefer specific locations, as it’s hard to get a good backdrop at cons, they’re a bit too much of a wild card
Leo Nocedo : Is there a type of character you cosplay frequently?
Amelia Poole : I love villains and antiheroes. I find them so much more fun
Leo Nocedo : Do you have any favorite cosplayers?
Amelia Poole : Kamui Cosplay!! I adore her
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most detailed cosplay you’ve ever done?

Amelia Poole :  Probably Queen Mab. She’s still a work in progress, but she’s definitely the most detailed
Leo Nocedo : What are your top 3 craftsmanship tips?
Amelia Poole :  If you can’t figure out how to make it, there’s no shame in buying one, YOUTUBE TUTORIALS, always ALWAYS do a mock-up/test fitting first

Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite cosplay you’ve done?
Amelia Poole : Harley is still my Favorite
Leo Nocedo : What is your worst cosplay “horror” story?
Amelia Poole : I was hosting TBCC’s cosplay contest. We had a Jason Voorhees cosplayer come onstage. He decided that on his way offstage, he was gonna “kidnap Harley”, which would have been really cool, but he didn’t ask me first. He just picked me up and started walking. We almost fell over the railing
Leo Nocedo : What’s your funniest cosplay story?
Amelia Poole : Probably the time I was hosting and a Dio cosplayer from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure tried to power stance and split the front seam of his pants wide open
Leo Nocedo : What’s the best in-character interaction you’ve ever had?
Amelia Poole : Anything with a little kid who loves the character I’m dressed as. Kids make all the horror stories worth it
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever cosplayed with a family member?
Amelia Poole :  No, but my sister wants to
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite cosplay photo of yourself?
Amelia Poole :  It’s probably one of the joker and Harley ones taken by The Street Enigma Photography. The one where we’re both resting our heads in our hands
Leo Nocedo : What are your go-to stores for cosplay materials/full cosplays?
Amelia Poole : Embellish FX, Joann’s, and Amazon
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to buy pre-styled wigs or style your own?
Amelia Poole : It depends on my needs. I usually style my own because my budget is too tight for pre-styled
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever had someone mistake you for a different character?

Amelia Poole :  Nope! I’m pretty recognizable
Leo Nocedo : List all the cosplays you’ve done.
Amelia Poole : Harley Quinn (2 versions), Catwoman (2 versions), Ravager, Zuul the Gatekeeper, Lorraine McFly (1950s)
Leo Nocedo : What’s the biggest con you’ve cosplayed at?
Amelia Poole : Probably Dragon Con?
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer cosplaying characters with props, or characters that you don’t need to carry a prop around all day?
Amelia Poole : I don’t really have a preference, honestly
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever lost a cosplay piece at a con?
Amelia Poole : I don’t think so? Nothing important enough that I remember it.
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever bought a cosplay piece at a con?
Amelia Poole : Yes! My leather Catwoman belt
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to cosplay solo or in a group?
Amelia Poole :  Groups!! It’s so much fun
Leo Nocedo : If you had a chance to meet your all-time favorite cosplayer, what would you say to them?
Amelia Poole : I honestly have no idea, I’d probably Fangirl and tell Kamui Cosplay that her tutorials taught me to work with foam
Leo Nocedo : Have you ever done a cosplay panel?
Amelia Poole : Yes! I’ve lost count
Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to buy or make cosplays?
Amelia Poole :  Make!! It’s part of the fun
Leo Nocedo : If you could tell your past self anything about cosplay, what would you say?
Amelia Poole : Do it. Start. It’s not easy right away, but it’s worth it
Leo Nocedo : What is your ultimate dream cosplay?
Amelia Poole : Probably the Borg Queen
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most difficult cosplay you’ve ever done? (Craftsmanship, wearing of, ect)
Amelia Poole : Ravager, so much that I’ve scrapped it because I’m not happy with the outcome
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most difficult character makeup you’ve done?
Amelia Poole : Harley Quinn, the clown paint is hard to set
Leo Nocedo : What, in your opinion, makes a cosplayer a “pro” cosplayer?
Amelia Poole : “Pro” is in the dictionary as getting paid for what you do. If you get paid to cosplay, you’re pro
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite part of cosplaying?
Amelia Poole :The interactions with others who love fandoms and the characters



NocedoPhoto Media Group is an innovative and creative consortium that unites photographers, writers, cosplayers, event promoters, vendors, costume and prop makers, and other creatives under one roof to use their collective skills to maximize their distribution and presence on digital media platforms. Their goal is to create a well-rounded and successful network for all involved.