Convention Update

Syfy Bartow Is Tomorrow, Saturday February 19th!

Main Street Bartow presents Syfy Bartow

200 West Main Street Bartow Florida 33830 think Comic Con meets Renaissance fair on a Main Street in a historic downtown in Central Florida.

Main Street Bartow is about to boldly go where no other town in Polk County has gone before…… SYFY BARTOW is becoming the new place to visit for a fun day with COSPLAY, MUSIC, SCIENCE FICTION VENDORS , GAMES/TRIVIA, LARGE MOVIE PROPS,COSTUME CONTEST, .


It seems now-a-days convention/comic-cons are everywhere every weekend. SyFy Bartow tries to break outside of the traditional convention box by being something a little different.

A lot of people do not realize that SyFy Bartow is an event put on by Main Street Bartow Inc., a nonprofit organization where the priority is to bring awareness and visitors to our town here in Central Florida. We do not charge an admission to our event, it is free to attendees!!


F R E E !! All money collected from vendor fees, sponsorships, and donations go straight to improving our downtown area with renovations and encouraging businesses to open up in our quaint town. By attending SyFy Bartow, you are actively engaged in the redevelopment of our historic downtown business district!

Another way that SyFy Bartow sets itself apart from other traditional science fiction based events is that SyFy Bartow focuses on the behind-the-scenes people: cos players that spend hundreds of dollars on elaborate costumes, the independent filmmakers, actors, and up and coming artists and authors. Our guests for the day are eager to meet and interact with the event attendees and spend the day among us.
Lastly, SyFy Bartow is a welcomed part of our community’s culture. Bartow, Florida is known for its warm hospitality, artistic flair, community tradition, and its history.

SyFy Bartow has become one of those traditions and the community fully embraces the ‘characters’ into our culture.

We want to make sure SyFy Bartow is about the fans having fun, without the pressure or high cost of an entry fee or wasting the day standing in a long autograph line when sometimes it’s not even guaranteed you’ll get an autograph.

Syfy Bartow is free to attend…

SyFy Bartow is not just a once a year event that rolls into town. This is truly a part of our community where everyone is welcomed all year long.

SyFy Bartow is all about a relaxed atmosphere, being with your friends, and helping a small town grow. We have welcomed over 30,000, visitors to our past yearly events, with open arms and great hospitality… Come be part of us!

Check out for other great events and traditions to be a part of.

These FREE events will feature science fiction vendors /games / panels / costume contest / food trucks / live entertainment all located in historic downtown Bartow Florida !

Our downtown shops and restaurants will be open for your shopping pleasure as well…

This yearly event happens every third Saturday in February rain or shine..

Please share the word that SYFY has finally made it to central Florida ! OH AND ITS FREE TO ATTEND !

What: SyFy Bartow
When: Saturday, February 19th, 2022
Where: Main Street Bartow
200 West Main Street
Bartow Florida
Time: 11am to 6pm
Price:  FREE



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