Cosplayer Interview

Cosplayer of the Week: Lord Dylan Guarisco

Leo Nocedo :  How did you discover cosplaying?
Dylan Guarisco :Going to Disney world when I was young, I always wanted to become a costumed character like at the Disney parks. When I went to a Star Wars convention for my 12th birthday, I learned about the 501st legion for costuming Star Wars characters. I immediately did research into costuming for events like the 501st and learned about costuming at conventions like comic cons. I decided to buy a spider-man costume on my 15th birthday and bought a pig’s mask and this created Spider-pig from the Simpsons movie for a mini convention in my hometown. I got so much love and attention at the convention I wanted to explore more opportunities and started locating and attending conventions in my state and the rest is history.
Leo Nocedo :  What was your first cosplay?
Dylan Guarisco : My very first cosplay was Spider-pig that I based off the Simpsons movie. I found a fan art sketch of the Simpsons’ spider-pig head on a black suited Spider-Man body from ‘Spider-Man 3’ and decided that would be a great costume to recreate. I attended several shows and events in Spider-pig however retired the suit by 2017 when I grew older and bigger.
Leo Nocedo :  What are your next 3 cosplay plans?
Dylan Guarisco :I am planning a Tusken Raider sand person cosplay from Book of boba fett and Star Wars as my next major cosplay. I plan on improving my renaissance cosplay that I wear for the local renaissance fair and other events, and I plan on making variants of my Twi’lek character from Star Wars.
Leo Nocedo :  Have you ever been in a cosplay contest?
Dylan Guarisco : I have been in a few cosplay contests. Notable ones include Melbourne Toy and Comic Con back in 2016, where I wore my Sans from Undertale and my friends and I from High school all entered the cosplay contest as a group from Undertale and won ‘notable mention’. However in 2020 I won my first costume contest at the Palm Bay monsters arcade for their Halloween party. I the. Won ‘best costume’ at Sunday Funday City Market costume contest in 2021 as a Mandalorian and in the Halloween season of 2021 I won with my Captain America, ‘most creative’ at my local Burger Inn Halloween festival and with a one time Doctor Doom cosplay I won ‘second place’ for scare in the square Halloween festival.
Leo Nocedo :  Do you prefer sewing, armor making, or wig working?
Dylan Guarisco : Honestly armor making in my strongest work as far as combining different pieces of armor from retired cosplays I acquired from friends or from Amazon and forging and painting it to craft awesome armor pieces.
Leo Nocedo :  Do you prefer to do photoshoots at cons or at specific locations?
Dylan Guarisco : Photo shoots at cons are my preferred choice for location for photo shoots because I get to experiment and include other cosplayers that maybe attending the convention. Additionally at the more larger conventions there would be several photo ops opportunities that I would take advantage of for my photo shoots.
Leo Nocedo :  Is there a type of character you cosplay frequently?
Dylan Guarisco : Definitely my Rebel Friend from Lego Star Wars is a cosplay I frequently cosplay as because it is a character that is very recognizable to many Star Wars fans, and it’s probably one of the more comfortable cosplays I wear considering when I’m at events, being confined in armor and heavy cloaks can be restricted for traveling and setting up, where my rebel friend mainly includes a simple uniform, helmet and weapon accessory that is durable.
Leo Nocedo :  Do you have any favorite cosplayers?
Dylan Guarisco : One of my favorite cosplayers would be Mr. Brad Bradley aka Old Guy cosplay, for a couple reasons. For one he is a prime example you can be any age to cosplay and it’s not just restricted to younger people. However one of the biggest reasons is that Brad knows how to both get involved in the cosplay community and how interacting with fellow cosplayers can be easier then you think especially both in and out of character.
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most detailed cosplay you’ve ever done?
Dylan Guarisco : The most detailed cosplay I have ever done would definitely be my Captain America I acquired from White sheep leather, which I had customized my likening. It’s both unique and really an impressive build and I have had so many compliments and attention with this particular cosplay unlike others cosplays in the past.
Leo Nocedo : What are your top 3 craftsmanship tips?
Dylan Guarisco : My top 3 craftsmanship tips would definitely have patience, seek out retired cosplays and or accessories from the cosplay community and use the resources we have been blessed with especially nowadays such as the internet to find resources and guides to help both improve and make your cosplays to the best of your ability.
Leo Nocedo :  What is your favorite cosplay you’ve done?
Dylan Guarisco : My favorite cosplay I’ve done has to be my Spider-pig because at the time my character was heavily influenced by the Simpsons movie and a lot of people both understood the reference I was making and my cosplay was really standing out compared to other spider-verse cosplays and cosplayers. I removed being called out at a spider-verse rally at Megacon 2015 for my character and it really stuck out there and eye catching and the best part was it was unique only for me.
Leo Nocedo :  What is your worst cosplay “horror” story?
Dylan Guarisco : My worst cosplay horror story would be when I attended a cosplay meet at a local arcade and bar near me, I got suited up as a new and what I thought was an improved version of my Mandalorian. It was really tight fitting putting the suit on which should’ve been my first hint not to wear it. Then when I was approaching the bar and arcade , right when I got to the big window in front of the establishment with a lot of on lookers looking, my chest armor snapped and the complete vest and jacket ripped apart and my armor was conpletly messed up. I had to quickly grab everything I could and run back to my car.
Leo Nocedo :  What’s your funniest cosplay story?
Dylan Guarisco : My funniest cosplay story was when I was wearing my spider-pig cosplay, at my first convention in cosplay, and I was walking down one of the Ally’s when a man approached me. The guy had to be 6’7” because he was definitely bigger then me and looked down at me and I didn’t know what to think at first until the man said in his deep voice, “you’re a pig.” I the. Only the realized he was referencing that was Spider PIG and this I responded with “Yeah I get that a lot” and the guy laughed so historically he almost cried.
Leo Nocedo : What’s the best in-character interaction you’ve ever had?
Dylan Guarisco : My best in character interaction would be when I trying out an admiral ackbar cosplay from Star Wars at a Star Wars convention. I had a full alien mask on and military uniform and I was just standing around getting some photos taken when a little baby girl approached me. She smiled at me and offered a hug. I knelt down to her level and she gave me a bright eye smile I never thought I’d ever see from a kid in my life. She gave me a hug and I started playing peek a boo with her and she had a blast. Her mother approached me and said thank you and when the kid and the mother left I waved bye and she was almost sad looking as she departed as she had to leave.
Leo Nocedo :  Have you ever cosplayed with a family member?
Dylan Guarisco : Unfortunately I never cosplayed with any members of my family however my cosplay career or experiences would not be there if it weren’t for their awesome and selfless support for my work in helping me acquire cosplay pieces and when I didn’t have a car or a license yet, helping drive me to and from conventions. I am very grateful and would be nowhere without them.
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite cosplay photo of yourself?
Dylan Guarisco : My favorite cosplay photo of myself would be one I took with the George Perez as my Captain America. Not only getting to meet George Perez, a huge big time penciler for marvel, but to get a solo photo with the guy, as one of his characters, was an amazing opportunity and experience thanks to my good friend Marco Mazz aka MZ cosplay.
Leo Nocedo : What are your go-to stores for cosplay materials/full cosplays?
Dylan Guarisco : My go to stores would definitely be Amazon for me, due to the wide verity of products they have for sale and being able to track the shipments down from Amazon’s website helps me especially when I have a deadline to meet.
Leo Nocedo :  Do you prefer to buy pre-styled wigs or style your own?
Dylan Guarisco : I full honestly never wore a wig for cosplay but I would think pre styled would be the best out of the two, especially if you are doing a specific cosplay character.
Leo Nocedo :  Have you ever had someone mistake you for a different character?
Dylan Guarisco : Indeed I have had people mistake for different characters in the past. At one convention recently, I was wearing my Twi’lek Star Wars alien cosplay, and for those who don’t know what or who a Twi’lek is, they are the tail-noodle head aliens in Star Wars, I famously known to be at Jabba’s palace in Star Wars. I was at a convention walking around and someone assumed I was a court jester for a renaissance theme and I exclaimed to them that I am a character from Star Wars and they responded with “I have never seen Star Wars” and I honestly feel both questioned and sad for the gentleman that they never seen any Star Wars or know dare I say anything of it.
Leo Nocedo :  List all the cosplays you’ve done. The list of cosplays

Dylan Guarisco :  I have done include; Spider-pig, Scarlet Spider-Man, Green Goblin, Hob Goblin, a Jedi Knight, Rebel Friend, Twi’lek alien, Deadpool, A Mandalorian, Batman, Sans the skeleton, Captain America, Captain Deadpool, Batman beyond, Peter B Parker, Cyborg Superman, Loki, Plague Doctor and Renaissance lord.
Leo Nocedo : What’s the biggest con you’ve cosplayed at?
Dylan Guarisco : The biggest con I’ve cosplayed at would definitely be Megacon Orlando, which is considered one of the biggest conventions in the United States and dare I say the biggest in Florida. For both Megacon Orlando 2019 and 2021 I attended Megacon Orlando as. Cosplay Alley vendor and both made some really good money doing what I love in addition got to both meet and hang out with the Number 1 in the hood, Mr. Carey Means.
Leo Nocedo :  Do you prefer cosplaying characters with props, or characters that you don’t need to carry a prop around all day?
Dylan Guarisco : I prefer cosplaying characters with props because I personally feel it both makes the cosplay feel complete and completes the look.
Leo Nocedo :  Have you ever lost a cosplay piece at a con?
Dylan Guarisco :   Fortunately I have never lost a cosplay piece at a con and I pray I never do.
Leo Nocedo :  Have you ever bought a cosplay piece at a con?
Dylan Guarisco :   A lot of times I happen to buy several of my cosplay pieces at conventions, most notably I bought a Loki sphere prop at a convention to complete my Loki Variant cosplay at Megacon Orlando 2021.
Leo Nocedo :  Do you prefer to cosplay solo or in a group?
Dylan Guarisco :   I prefer to cosplay in a group because having numbers at your side can draw more attention to your cosplays in addition it is great to be in a group to help aid each other in both building cosplays and supporting each other’s arts and skills.
Leo Nocedo :  If you had a chance to meet your all-time favorite cosplayer, what would you say to them?
Dylan Guarisco :   If I could meet my all time favorite cosplayer, it would most likely be P-ditty YouTuber infamously known for Deadpool who would include cosplayers in his ‘convention trolling videos’ and I would exclaim I love his videos and would love to make a cameo and be apart of one of their skits for their video.
Leo Nocedo :  Have you ever done a cosplay panel?
Dylan Guarisco :   Yes, my cosplay panel was also for a YouTube panel, was at Space Coast Comic con 2018, and it really awesome to attempt to share my knowledge and my stories as well as my friend’s’ stories of cosplaying and the shenanigans of YouTubing at the same time.
Leo Nocedo :  Do you prefer to buy or make cosplays?
Dylan Guarisco : I honestly prefer to buy my cosplays, or rather buy the pieces to create cosplays using different pieces from different stores or from Amazon to make a unique character.
Leo Nocedo :  If you could tell your past self anything about cosplay, what would you say?
Dylan Guarisco : If I could tell my past see anything about cosplay, it would to be stay determined and to socialize more then I did in the past.
Leo Nocedo :  What is your ultimate dream cosplay?
Dylan Guarisco :   My ultimate dream cosplay would definitely have to be a Dark Trooper from Star Wars, due to how both unique they look and their overall armor set up would definitely be a show stealer at almost any con.
Leo Nocedo :  What’s the most difficult cosplay you’ve ever done? (Craftsmanship, wearing of, ect)
Dylan Guarisco : The most difficult cosplay I’ve ever done would have to be my Hobgoblin due to weird cosplay parts I’ve had to find to both put it all together and make sure none of it fell off while wearing, because the cosplay was honestly a bunch of clothing and cloths mixed together it was very hard to keep it all together in addition to keeping it organized and stored when not in use.
Leo Nocedo : What’s the most difficult character makeup you’ve done?
Dylan Guarisco :  My most difficult character makeup I’ve done would be my one time joker cosplay I did for Megacon Orlando 2016. Getting the patterns I imagined was so hard to put on the way I wanted not to mentioned washing it all off after the con was a nightmare for myself.
Leo Nocedo :  What, in your opinion, makes a cosplayer a “pro” cosplayer?
Dylan Guarisco : There’s no such thing in being a “pro” cosplayer in my opinion. We all have our different ways in cosplaying weather we bought it from a store, got a friend to put it together, crafted it piece by piece by hand, or 3d printed it, we of course always gain experience from our mistakes and get to learn new techniques through our cosplays but to be considered a “pro” is a lousy word for “you made your cosplay a certain way and thus your better then everyone else” or “your cosplay looks better then everyone else’s” cosplay should be about enjoying what you do in addition to showing off how much cosplay means to you. Winning a cosplay contest for a con is one thing, but to be considered a “pro” for they way to made or wear it is very restricted and I think shouldn’t truly be a thing. There’s no true wrong, bad, good or impressive way to cosplay. It should be for everyone no matter the skill level, and how much you put yourself out there.
Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite part of cosplaying?
Dylan Guarisco :  I personally have two favorite parts to cosplaying. The first is getting to meet so many people from different walks of life and getting to dare I say experience the world with something everyone both enjoys and has in common. My second favorite part would be both making kids happy to see their favorite superheroes, villains and characters but making adults happier for them to see their childhood characters and their personal favorite fandoms come to life and to both interact and get involved with both the fandom and cosplay. 35: Make up your own question! A question I would ask a cosplayer is how do you get involved in the community of cosplaying and I would say, find events and conventions near you to attend and with the internet find nearby clubs or groups to join that would be willing to help and guide you through a cosplay career.



Visit Dylan at his website.


NocedoPhoto Media Group is an innovative and creative consortium that unites photographers, writers, cosplayers, event promoters, vendors, costume and prop makers, and other creatives under one roof to use their collective skills to maximize their distribution and presence on digital media platforms. Their goal is to create a well-rounded and successful network for all involved.