Cosplayer Interview

Cosplayer of the Week: Charlie Hunter

Leo Nocedo : How did you discover cosplaying?

Charlie Hunter :I think cosplaying discovered me. I was looking for a way to express myself and I always had a love of fashion design. When I realized cosplaying was a thing I knew I was home.

Leo Nocedo : What was your first cosplay?
Charlie Hunter : It was Misty from Pokemon

Leo Nocedo : What are your next 3 cosplay plans?
Charlie Hunter : Working on Ironheart, Sabine Wren and the last one is a secret but it is Star Wars themed

Leo Nocedo : Have you ever been in a cosplay contest?
Charlie Hunter : Yes I have won first in 1 and place 3
rd in two others

Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer sewing, armor making, or wig working?
Charlie Hunter : Definitely sewing. My wig making skills need work and my armor skills don’t exist

Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to do photoshoots at cons or at specific locations?
Charlie Hunter :   I am always down to take photos anywhere. I enjoy the creative freedom of specific locations though

Leo Nocedo : Is there a type of character you cosplay frequently?
Charlie Hunter : Type? No I don’t think so. I tend to cosplay based on my mood I think. If I am stressed I learn towards Harley Quinn. If I feel pretty and confident I learn towards Princess Tiana

Leo Nocedo : Do you have any favorite cosplayers?
Charlie Hunter : I adore a lot of the tik tok cosplayers. I follow a little bit of everyone. Most of my favorite cosplayers are my friends. They are all so amazing.

Leo Nocedo : What’s the most detailed cosplay you’ve ever done?
Charlie Hunter : Probably Princess Tiana and Harley Quinn. I spent a lot of time working on perfecting their accents and make up so I could be as authentic as possible.

Leo Nocedo : What are your top 3 craftsmanship tips?
Charlie Hunter : Keep trying. I don’t think any of us are perfect the first time around. Have fun is a big one to remember. Make a model or test fit version first because pattern sizing can be weird.

Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite cosplay you’ve done?
Charlie Hunter : Uh, hm. Maybe Storm. I never really see Storm cosplayers so she is a fun one to do

Leo Nocedo : What is your worst cosplay “horror” story?
Charlie Hunter : Costume malfunctions plague me. I was in a handmade poison ivy costume and I dropped something. I ripped my side seams trying to catch the thing I dropped

Leo Nocedo : What’s your funniest cosplay story?
Charlie Hunter : Took one of my ball pythons with me to a convention as a prop. Everyone thought she was a prop until she moved then I was quickly asked to take her home.

Leo Nocedo : What’s the best in-character interaction you’ve ever had?
Charlie Hunter : Any time I get to do events as Princess Tiana. My favorite was a house call I did for a young lady that was being bullied. She was so happy to talk to me for an hour. It warmed my heart to share that moment with her.

Leo Nocedo : Have you ever cosplayed with a family member?
Charlie Hunter : Yep, My daughter is a major Miraculous Ladybug fan so we went to the mall together as LadyBug and Rena Rouge.

Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite cosplay photo of yourself?
Charlie Hunter : I have two. One is me as Starlight giving a little girl a high 5 and the other is me as Tiana giving a little girl a hug

Leo Nocedo : What are your go-to stores for cosplay materials/full cosplays?
Charlie Hunter :  Uh, I like piecing things together. Procosplay usually has good bases to build on. Amazon has a lot of smaller things I need prop wise. Esty is my go too though

Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to buy pre-styled wigs or style your own?
Charlie Hunter : Truly depends on the cosplay. I like to get pre-styled and alter them as needed.

Leo Nocedo : Have you ever had someone mistake you for a different character?                                       

Charlie Hunter : I don’t think so. I have had a few people just not know the character but that give me a chance to educate

Leo Nocedo : List all the cosplays you’ve done.
Charlie Hunter : Starlight, Fem Pennywise, Shuri, Storm, Misty, Princess Tiana, Red Ranger, Spiderman, SpiderGwen, Harley Quinn, Mrs. Incredible, Poison Ivy, Shego, Fire Fairy, Flag Smasher, Broken Doll, Supergirl, Pink Hammer, Road Hog, Cyber Punk, Katarina, Kilo Ren, and Freddy

Leo Nocedo : What’s the biggest con you’ve cosplayed at?
Charlie Hunter :  Dragoncon

Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer cosplaying characters with props, or characters that you don’t need to carry a prop around all day?                                                                                                                                                                                       Charlie Hunter : Either is fine. If it’s a convention I prefer no props. If it’s an event, I don’t mind

Leo Nocedo : Have you ever lost a cosplay piece at a con?
Charlie Hunter : Yep. Happens a lot. I tend to lose Harley’s Stuff a lot

Leo Nocedo : Have you ever bought a cosplay piece at a con?
Charlie Hunter : Yes, I found a really cool Harley Quinn jacket that was made by an artist and I had to have it

Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to cosplay solo or in a group?
Charlie Hunter : I have a lot of fun doing either. Whenever I am in florida it’s group cosplay all the way. In North Dakota I tend to be solo.

Leo Nocedo : If you had a chance to meet your all-time favorite cosplayer, what would you say to them?  Charlie Hunter : You are amazing, keep being an inspiration

Leo Nocedo : Have you ever done a cosplay panel?
Charlie Hunter : Yes, I was apart of a panel with CWC

Leo Nocedo : Do you prefer to buy or make cosplays?
Charlie Hunter : Mmm. Depends. I used to work a lot more than I do now so I would buy a lot of things to save time. But making costumes is a lot of fun for me

Leo Nocedo : If you could tell your past self anything about cosplay, what would you say?                                     

Charlie Hunter : Stop letting imposter syndrome get to you. We wasted years of growth thinking we weren’t good enough

Leo Nocedo : What is your ultimate dream cosplay?

Charlie Hunter : Fully functionally Suitcase Ironman suit

Leo Nocedo : What’s the most difficult cosplay you’ve ever done?
Charlie Hunter :   Wearing Princess Tiana for the ND State Fair Parade. The dress is heavy and every little kid needed a picture. I love it but it was tiresome. (Craftsmanship, wearing of, ect)

Leo Nocedo : What’s the most difficult character makeup you’ve done?
Charlie Hunter : Probably pennywise.

Leo Nocedo : What, in your opinion, makes a cosplayer a “pro” cosplayer?
Charlie Hunter : I am still trying to figure that out myself. If people recognize the character, then you did it.

Leo Nocedo : What is your favorite part of cosplaying?
Charlie Hunter : I just love to make people smile. It’s the most important part for me

Leo Nocedo : Make up your own question!
Charlie Hunter : Where do you see yourself in 5 years cosplay wise? I hope to have a bigger following and I hope to start a volunteer cosplay group in Minot, ND.


NocedoPhoto Media Group is an innovative and creative consortium that unites photographers, writers, cosplayers, event promoters, vendors, costume and prop makers, and other creatives under one roof to use their collective skills to maximize their distribution and presence on digital media platforms. Their goal is to create a well-rounded and successful network for all involved.