
Rev Up for Leo: Rallying Together to Keep His Wheels Rolling!

Calling all cosplay and pop culture friends and community members!

Embark on a mission of goodwill with Florida Geek Scene as we rally behind our dear friend, Leo Nocedo. Leo, of Nocedo Photo Media Group, who is an integral part of our community, is navigating a tough road as his trusty van requires urgent and costly repairs. But fear not, for our collective support can light the path ahead.

We invite you to join hands and hearts in assisting Leo on his journey. Your contribution to his GoFundMe page will not only alleviate the burden he faces but also showcase the power of unity and compassion within our Florida convention, cosplay and unique geek community. Let’s transform challenges into triumphs and uplift Leo in his time of need!

Together, we can turn obstacles into opportunities and ensure Leo’s wheels keep turning toward brighter horizons. Thank you immensely for your boundless generosity and unwavering kindness. Let’s make Leo’s weekend—and beyond—truly splendid!



"Where Pop Culture Happens!"