Leo Nocedo : How did you discover cosplaying?
Trisha Lou : I’ve always loved doing costumes. Once I discovered volunteering opportunities in cosplaying characters for local non-profits, such as Costumers with a Cause & the 501st garison, I decided to do it as an opportunity to serve in the community. I love bringing smiles to children & families.
Author: NocedoPhoto Media Group
Leo Nocedo : How did you discover cosplaying?
Alice Liddell :Someone I was dating when I was 18. They told me about Metrocon in Tampa, FL.
Villicon is not a convention…it’s an event like no other. Enter our demented world and travel through your sweetest dreams or darker nightmares.
Leo Nocedo : How did you discover cosplaying?
Josh Partridge :My wife introduced me to it
Leo Nocedo : What was your first cosplay
Josh Partridge : First cosplay was Monterey Jack from Rescue Rangers