“Knights of the 5th Dimension” is a captivating graphic novel that pays tribute to the golden era of comic books while delivering an engaging and nostalgic story. Written by Casey Van Heel, illustrated by Walter Flanagan, and colored by Wayne Jansen, this collaboration brings together a talented team to create a visually stunning and immersive experience.
Category: Comic Book Review
Billy the Kit, a thrilling five-issue miniseries brought to life by Blue Juice Comics, takes readers on an unforgettable journey through a Wild West like never before. Co-created by the talented duo of writer Justin Gray and artist Barry McClain Jr., with digital paints by Slamet Mujiono, this darkly comedic and action-packed tale introduces us to a sickly yet special gunslinging rabbit named Billy.
Scott Anders, a former astronaut who was sent to space by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1960s, returned to Earth today, but to his surprise, the CIA doesn’t remember him.
In the grim and desolate world of post-apocalyptic Japan, few names strike as much fear in the hearts of people as that of Temple O’Rourke, a wandering gaijin known to all as the White Devil.