Did you know that in Japan the sun rises at 4:30am? Because I know that… now. Today started at 7am with breakfast: rice, miso soup, fries, tofu and… Continue reading
In Leesburg, Florida came the awesome Lake Collect-A-Con and with it vendors, cosplayers, and entertainers galore!
✅► Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheReasonsImBroke ◄✅ In #351, we cover DC Comic ending its line of Vertigo titles, the latest Pokemon Direct, we review Godzilla: King of… Continue reading
Valiant Announces the KILLERS #1-5 Pre-Order Edition Bundle Longtime comics artist Whilce Portacio to provide covers for all five issues KILLERS #1 Pre-Order Edition Cover by Whilce Portacio… Continue reading