The end of EMPYRE begins a new age for the Marvel Universe! In the aftermath of the cosmic conflict, the forces gather one last time… but why? And at whose bidding?
Tag: Marvel
The Marvel Hacks are Back with our House of M, issue 6 recap. Before that tho, we pay our respects to Chadwick Boseman and plea to our listeners to make sure they are taking care of themselves.
It pains me a little to like this book as much as I do. I would usually be the first to say that this is a wasted opportunity to introduce a new, original character instead of just changing everything we know and love about an existing hero.
I’m not sure there is anything that would actually make Star Wars fans happy these days, but if there is, it’s the long awaited arrival of Boba Fett to the new canon. Well, here it is. More Fett! And you could not ask for better surroundings.