
Nerd Music Meltdown #39: EyeQ’s Bytes & Beats

EyeQ had a tremendous 2019 and we cover all of that here. We talk about how he blended anime and hip hop and celebrated Samurai Champloo at major conventions like Otakon and MomoCon with Bytes & Beats and how that all came to be.


We also talk performing at the Library of Congress and getting the music of Nujabes inducted there. Plus, we chat about Overwatch, Shing02, Fat Jon, why representation matters, and his future musical releases. Oh, and what’s going on at MAGFest?

You can get more of EyeQ at eyeqmusic.com. EyeQ will be performing on Sunday, December 8th at Will’s Pub with Mega Ran, Mickey Factz, and Alfred Banks. Like what we do? Support at patreon.com/ongakuoverdrive.

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Kent Ward is the founder of Ongaku Overdrive and Propeller Anime, the host of Nerd Music Meltdown, and has staffed for conventions such as CEO Gaming, Anime Festival Orlando, and Mega Con.