Leo nocedo: Favorite cosplay ?
David Smith: Deadpool
Leo nocedo: Make or buy ?
David Smith: Buy (dont have time to make)
Leo nocedo: Favorite part about cosplaying ?
David Smith: Parents and kids that I put a smile on their face
Leo nocedo: Most comfortable cosplay ?
David Smith: Deadpool (my kinda humor and personality)
Leo nocedo: Best memory while in cosplay ?
David Smith: Herohype and meeting people and had my first photoshoot
Leo nocedo: Dream Cosplay ?
David Smith: Im living it with deadpool
Leo nocedo: Someone you’d never cosplay ?
David Smith: Im shy so anything that I cant wear a mask
Leo nocedo: First cosplay ?
David Smith: Megacon Orlando
Leo nocedo: Most recent cosplay ?
David Smith: Deadpool at Holmat
Leo nocedo: Cosplay or contest ?
David Smith: none Both
Leo nocedo: Selfie or shoot ?
David Smith: both
Leo nocedo: With friends or solo ?
David Smith: Prefer solo but love to do both
Leo nocedo: Cute or mature characters ?
David Smith: Mature
Leo nocedo: How many cosplays have you done ?
David Smith: At least 10
Leo nocedo: How long have you been cosplaying ?
David Smith: Little over a year
Leo nocedo: How many conventions have you been to ?
David Smith: Roughly 10
Leo nocedo: Form fitting or flowing garments ?
David Smith: Form fitting
Leo nocedo: Colored contacts or natural eyes ?
David Smith: Cant see me
Leo nocedo: Why’d you start cosplaying ?
David Smith: Hobby and F#%kit list
Leo nocedo: Perfectionist or willing to sacrifice accuracy ?
David Smith: I try to be a perfectionist and I hate it
Leo nocedo: Embarrassing cosplay moments ?
David Smith: Its usually when people don’t get sarcasm
Leo nocedo: AU or Canon ?
David Smith: Canon
Leo nocedo: Dream photo shoot ?
David Smith: Any professional photo shoot is a dream
Leo nocedo: How do choose who you are going to cosplay ?
David Smith: Only do Deadpool and quantum realm Deadpool
Leo nocedo: Secret cosplay or do tell people ?
David Smith: Tell most people
Leo nocedo: Characters you have worn the most ?
David Smith: Always Deadpool
Leo nocedo: Favorite prop you’ve Made ?
David Smith: Work prevents me from prop making