Cosplayer Interview

Cosplayer of the week: David Smith

Leo nocedo:  Favorite cosplay ?
David Smith: Deadpool

Leo nocedo: Make or buy ?
David Smith: Buy (dont have time to make)

Leo nocedo: Favorite part about cosplaying ?
David Smith: Parents and kids that I put a smile on their face

Leo nocedo: Most comfortable cosplay ?
David Smith: Deadpool (my kinda humor and personality)

Leo nocedo: Best memory while in cosplay ?
David Smith: Herohype and meeting people and had my first photoshoot

Leo nocedo: Dream Cosplay ?
David Smith: Im living it with deadpool

Leo nocedo: Someone you’d never cosplay  ?
David Smith: Im shy so anything that I cant wear a mask

Leo nocedo: First cosplay ?
David Smith: Megacon Orlando

Leo nocedo: Most recent cosplay ?
David Smith: Deadpool at Holmat

Leo nocedo: Cosplay or contest ?
David Smith: none Both

Leo nocedo: Selfie or shoot ?
David Smith: both

Leo nocedo: With friends or solo ?
David Smith: Prefer solo but love to do both

Leo nocedo: Cute or mature characters ?
David Smith: Mature

Leo nocedo: How many cosplays have you done ?
David Smith: At least 10

Leo nocedo: How long have you been cosplaying ?
David Smith: Little over a year

Leo nocedo: How many conventions have you been to ?
David Smith: Roughly 10

Leo nocedo: Form fitting or flowing garments ?
David Smith: Form fitting

Leo nocedo: Colored contacts or natural eyes ?
David Smith: Cant see me

Leo nocedo: Why’d you start cosplaying ?
David Smith: Hobby and F#%kit list

Leo nocedo: Perfectionist or willing to sacrifice accuracy ?
David Smith: I try to be a perfectionist and I hate it

Leo nocedo: Embarrassing cosplay moments  ?
David Smith: Its usually when people don’t get sarcasm

Leo nocedo: AU or Canon ?
David Smith: Canon

Leo nocedo: Dream photo shoot ?
David Smith: Any professional photo shoot is a dream

Leo nocedo: How do choose who you are going to cosplay ?
David Smith: Only do Deadpool and quantum realm Deadpool

Leo nocedo: Secret cosplay or do tell people  ?
David Smith: Tell most people

Leo nocedo: Characters you have worn the most ?
David Smith: Always Deadpool

Leo nocedo: Favorite prop you’ve Made ?
David Smith: Work prevents me from prop making

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NocedoPhoto Media Group is an innovative and creative consortium that unites photographers, writers, cosplayers, event promoters, vendors, costume and prop makers, and other creatives under one roof to use their collective skills to maximize their distribution and presence on digital media platforms. Their goal is to create a well-rounded and successful network for all involved.