
071 TLTT The Man Of Many Monsters

From The Silence and The Teller on Doctor Who to The NightKing on Game of Thrones, Ross Mullan is most certainly the “Man of Many Monsters”! Join Legend of the Traveling Tardis Host Christian Basel, Director/Artist Melanie Dean, Fantasy Author Mackenzie Flohr, Shirley Hott of New York’s Padorica Restaurant and our own Doctor Freedom, Brian Burress as they pick the brain of Ross Mullan.. Are YOU ready to become part of the Legend?

Listen to “071 TLTT The Man Of Many Monsters” on Spreaker.


Christian Basel and the Legend of the Traveling Tardis have traveled through time and space to convention floors and fan gatherings to celebrate Doctor WHO The Traveling Tardis has been photographed with celebrities, cosplayers and fans around the globe and now Christian brings the adventures of the Traveling Tardis to web radio audiences everywhere!