
072 TLTT CyberCon 2020

 The Legend of the Traveling Tardis is proud to be part of CyberCon! The production of CyberCon is in direct response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Since the beginning of the outbreak, many venues and major events have been cancelled or rescheduled but the Con Must Go On! Join Host Christian Basel and Director/Co-host Melanie Dean as they talk with CyberCon organizers GW Pomichter of HWWS Media Group & the Hangin With Web Show, Actor/Podcaster Thomas Carter Rochester and Cosplayer Amelia Poole of Harlequinarts Cosplay and Crafts

.. Are YOU ready to become part of the Legend?


Listen to “072 TLTT CyberCon2020” on Spreaker.


Christian Basel and the Legend of the Traveling Tardis have traveled through time and space to convention floors and fan gatherings to celebrate Doctor WHO The Traveling Tardis has been photographed with celebrities, cosplayers and fans around the globe and now Christian brings the adventures of the Traveling Tardis to web radio audiences everywhere!