Podcast 1

075 TLTT The Odyssey of Gareth: An Interview with Jeremy Radick

Fellow whovians…the tardis bekons and we must hop inside! Join the Legend of the Traveling Tardis Host Christian Basel, Co-host/Director Melanie Dean and panelists, Dave Chapman from The Rat Hole.ca & Brian Burress, aka Doctor Freedom as they chat with Actor Jeremy Radick, who played Gareth in the 1996 Doctor Who Movie.. Are YOU ready to become part of the Legend?


Listen to “075 TLTT The Odyssey of Gareth: An Interview with Jeremy Radick” on Spreaker.


Christian Basel and the Legend of the Traveling Tardis have traveled through time and space to convention floors and fan gatherings to celebrate Doctor WHO The Traveling Tardis has been photographed with celebrities, cosplayers and fans around the globe and now Christian brings the adventures of the Traveling Tardis to web radio audiences everywhere!

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