Comic Book News

Scout Comics Four NYCC Exclusive Comics For 2020 Are NOW AVAILABLE!

Scout Comics & Entertainment is proud to announce its exclusive offerings for the 2020 New York Comic Con

Scout Comics & Entertainment Inc. is proud to announce they will be offering four NYCC exclusives this year, All four are first issues of some current and upcoming Scout titles: PHANTOM STARKILLER, SH*TSHOW, GRIT and IT EATS WHAT FEEDS IT. These exclusives will be title-free covers on gorgeous 100lb heavy card stock.

All exclusive Scout NYCC titles will be available at the Scout’s webstore starting NOW, Thursday October 8, 2020 for $25.00 a piece.

Use Order Code NYCC2020 at checkout to receive 50% off these exclusives and ALL past NYCC Scout exclusives until Sunday October 11th at 11:59pm eastern time.

For more information about Scout Comics, please contact




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