Wrestling Interview 4

Spandex and Suplexes: The Interview Series #2 – Randy Hogan


Randy Hogan and Jim Cornette pay homage to the famous Hulk Hogan/Freddie Blassie photo.
Credit: Pro Wrestling Illustrated

Welcome everyone to the second episode of my interview series, Spandex and Suplexes: The Interview Series. Due to the success of Episode #1 and the continued success of the the Spandex and Suplexes: A Wrestling Review series of articles (which you can find in the Articles section), we are happy to continue this spin off series that will see me sit down each episode with a different performer from the greatest sport ever conceived by mankind: The Sport of Kings, Professional Wrestling.

My guest for Episode #2 is veteran wrestler Randy Hogan. Wrestling from 1981 to 1994, Hogan competed most prominently in Jim Crockett Promotions, its successor promotion World Championship Wrestling, and the World Wrestling Federation (WWE) as an enhancement talent. During his career, he competed against some of the biggest names in the industry of the time such as Sting, Rick Steiner, The Ultimate Warrior, Ted DiBiase, The Road Warriors, and The Midnight Express. He is best known for his Hulk Hogan inspired look which lead to him using the Hogan surname along with the Atomic Leg Drop finisher. In the video below, I sit down with Randy and ask him about what inspired him to become a pro wrestler, the origins of the Randy Hogan character, his thoughts on the current state of the industry, and more. Let’s get started.


Follow Randy Hogan at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/614733829468382


Nicholas grew up reading J.R.R. Tolkien's books, watching Disney and Studio Ghibli films, and reading Marvel comics and Japanese manga. The superb storylines and characters ignited his passion for writing. He graduated from Full Sail University in 2015 with a BFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment. During his writing career thus far, Nicholas has had numerous short stories and articles published in an array of literary magazines and websites.