Comic Book News

Haha Gets the Last Laugh After Instant Sell-out at the Distributor—rushed Back to Print

Mastermind W. Maxwell Prince (Ice Cream Man) has done it again with another hit anthology comic series in the recent launch of his new series Haha. The first issue is sold out at the distributor level and being fast-tracked for a second printing showcasing new artwork.

“Thank you to everyone who laughed and cried along with this first issue,” said Prince. “Finding grace in a dark place is an active practice—let’s keep working at it together.”

Featuring his signature Ice Cream Man style of one-shot storytelling, Haha welcomes readers into the world of clowns—and he’s invited some of the comic industry’s top talent to join him for the ride.

Haha is a genre-jumping, throat-lumping look at the sad, scary, hilarious life of those who get paid to play the fool—but these ain’t your typical jokers.

With issues drawn by Vanesa Del Rey (Redlands), Gabriel Walta (Vision), Roger Langridge (Thor), and more, Haha peeks under the big top, over the rainbow, and even inside a balloon to tell a wide-ranging slew of stories about “funny” men and women, proving that some things are so sad you just have to laugh.

Haha #1, second printing (Diamond Code DEC208147) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, February 10.

Haha #2 Cover A Thorogood (DEC200201) and Haha #2 Cover B Simmonds (DEC200202) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, February 17.

Haha is also available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.


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