Mirka Andolfo’s Sweet Paprika #3 has sold out completely at the distributor level. Image has fast-tracked the issue for reprint in order to keep up with growing customer demand.
In Sweet Paprika #3, Paprika’s “forced fun” night doesn’t seem to be too bad, perhaps—but, in the end, not too great either. Come on, staying together for so long, for no real reason…how can people like it? Then, while her father seems to be recovered and healthy again, Paprika will have a nasty surprise…
“I am more and more struck by the affection and attention that readers are dedicating to Sweet Paprika!” said Andolfo. “With the fourth issue, the Devil lady’s situation will become even more complex, intriguing, and…sexy! I can’t wait people to read, and looking forward to returning to the United States to meet the readers in person, I thank them from afar for their support!”
The highly anticipated Sweet Paprika became an instant bestseller when issue #1 sold out at the distributor level upon release and became the highest launch to date of any of Andolfo’s creator-owned series. Orders on the title exceed those of the much buzzed about Mercy #1 and Unnatural #1 and the 12-issue series is planned as part of a cross-media project alongside animation from Grey Ladder Productions, Arancia Studio, and Wild Sheep Content, with Director Gabriele Pennacchioli (Emmy Award winner in 2019 for Love, Death & Robots).
Sweet Paprika #3, second printing (Diamond Code AUG218798) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, November 3.
Sweet Paprika #3 will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.