
Wayne’s Comics Podcast #510: Interview with Madeleine Holly-Rosing

In Episode 510, it’s the return of Madeleine Holly-Rosing, the writer/creator of the successful steampunk supernatural series Boston Metaphysical Society!

She is taking her “Society” to new heights, and that includes a high-power Kickstarter project going on right now for “The Ghost Ship!” It’s already into stretch goals, but be sure not to wait to support this excellent comic franchise! During our discussion, Madeleine talks about how you can catch up with comics and other venues the Society has explored, including their new audio drama, and what the future might hold for this great team of an ex-Pinkerton detective, a spirit photographer, and a genius scientist who battle supernatural forces in late 1800’s Boston. Don’t miss it!


Wayne Hall creates the weekly Wayne's Comics Podcast. He’s interviewed Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, John Layman, Kyle Higgins, Phil Hester, Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray, David Petersen, Christos Gage, Mike Grell, and Matt Kindt. He lives in Central Florida near Orlando, where he has resided for 7 years.