
MarkWHO42’s Universe – Episode 378 – Ruby Who?

With Season One (14/40) of Doctor Who coming to a close, MarkWHO42 looks back on the two-part finale and the year as a whole.  Who is this Doctor – does he give us something different from his previous incarnations? Has this season been building towards something or are there too many red herrings? Is Ruby Sunday crucial to this story? How does she compare to Rose Tyler, another young and naïve companion? Are we enjoying the many mysteries we have faced this season? Is Ruby’s adoption tale relevant? Her biological parents?

Do we have more questions? Like, how amazing is Kate Stewart? Is she a product of The Doctor’s influence on her dad, which, in turn, influenced her leadership style at UNIT?

Then, there is the big baddie – Sutekh… a blast from the past. How did he stay on top of the TARDIS without notice? What is his end game? How can The Doctor save the universe with just a spoon? Paradoxes? Plot holes? Pish-posh! Can The Doctor and Ruby turn all that around? Has Sutekh turned this Doctor’s compassion into hate? Is The Doctor now a monster? Could death minus death really equal life? What will we see next in Season Two?  Will Ruby resume her adventures in the TARDIS? And just who the heck is Mrs. Flood?

Questions, questions, questions… but do we have answers? Listen to our thoughts and guesses this week as Mark Baumgarten, Vicky Jakubowski, Juan Sanmiguel, Zion Quiros, and special guest Jarrod Cooper, break it all down for you!

To hear our older episodes from 2012 until now, including over 150 celebrity interviews from Doctor Who, Star Trek, Farscape, and more, go to our YouTube playlist and listen! Try one of our MarkWHO42 Classic episodes by clicking this link!

Mark Baumgarten is an old school Whovian who hosts and runs the award-winning online science fiction radio show and podcast The MarkWHO42's Universe Podcast. He became a fan of Doctor Who in 1978 and worked on several of the Omnicon Conventions in South Florida back in the 1980's. With an accumulated knowledge of Who-lore as well as Science Fiction in general, he needed to share it with the world. In 2010 he started markwho42 Books selling Doctor Who books online and at conventions and in 2012 started the show MarkWHO42 and has been invited as a guest panelist at conventions around the country. He definitely puts the "Mark" in MarkWHO42!