
10 Reasons To Attend A Moshi Moshi Productions Con Party

It’s 2019, a decade of post-convention party geekdom has come to pass and with it a lot of hard work and dedication had been provided to the good fans of MegaCon, Walker Stalker, and other post-convention events. Moshi John had provided quite memorable forms of themed entertainment which had dazzled the eyes and senses.

Moshi Moshi Productions is the engine the drives this force into the wee hours of the morning, allowing enough time to relish and take it all in, but also enough for one to yearn for more when it’s time to depart the event. Fear not cosplayers, sci-fi/comic geeks, convention attendees, or all of the above, because you can be rest assured you can look forward to yet another fun-filled evening in the future. Moshi and his crew always has something brewing in their minds and with the Back to the Future cast joining MegaCon 2019, there’s a new Enchantment Under The Sea Party on deck come May 17th. A day prior, there will be the The Official ICE Bar MegaCon Kick-Off party on the 16th.

If you’re not yet sold on partaking in the libations, dance numbers, and a phenomenal awe inspiring experience, here are reasons to make you think otherwise: (Que the change my mind meme!)

  1. A Real Life Version of Content Rich Environment – The Moshi Moshi experience reminds me of a real life version of a virtual world not unlike Ready Player One or The Matrix. The inundation of cosplayers, vendors, and entertainers feel like you’re interacting with real life MMO avatar(s). The venues Moshi John puts together are colorful and immersive. You can get lost in the fantastical realm of the venue.
  2. Creativity Knows No Bounds – Every time you attend a convention party, you can get a sense of creativity immediately upon entering. The walls and fixtures are adorned with that evening’s themed event be it Gotham, Mad Max, etc., all of which were spot-on in their movie accuracy. It’ll be interesting how the Back to the Future theme will play out as 80s retro is trending these days due to a nostalgia chasing psyche. I would imagine dressing the part would be quite desirable considering the iconic characters and props of the day.
  3. Cosplay Galore! – When you enter Moshi’s parties, you cannot miss the bountiful amount of comic and sci-fi accurate cosplays. There are some real stand outs competing with each other and outside of a packed MegaCon, I have never seen a higher concentration of cosplayers in the after-hours!
  4. Great For A Geek Date Night – If you want to impress your date that’s a geek enthusiast or turn him or her on to the genre, I would say Moshi Moshi’s parties are a great gateway introduction to this very theme and quite possibly their path to their convention journey. There’s nothing that tickles the nostalgia bone of 80’s era’s enthusiasts with Moshi’s Enchantment Under The Sea party. Since the theme is all about one’s first high school formal date and quite possibly your first kiss, this could unravel the thread towards your personal future. So make it count! That way your kids won’t disappear from a future that has not yet happened.
  5. Vendor Interactivity Is Quite Engaging – That said, bring your date to the vendors so that they may appease you with a supplemental form of entertainment. From a video game station where you can compete with your friends to a photo op with the Justice League cosplay, there’s no telling what to expect yearly, be it repeat vendors or new merchants.
  6. Future Of Moshi’s Events Go Beyond The Cons – Moshi John has expanded his entertainment venue to beyond just the conventions as of late. In between cons, he’s recently started to titillate your fix with just a random after hours party. Take for instance the Gotham on Ice themed party at Ice Bar off of International Drive. This mean the production company has become quite diverse and spontaneous by taking entertainment to another level.
  7. Community Togetherness – I feel there is nothing better than joining together in a kind of fellowship with others that appreciate a niche’ hobby gone mainstream. There is a sense of warmness and a feeling of belonging when mingling with your own tribe.
  8. Passion For Their Craft – You can tell as you gaze your eyes upon many wearing the movie accurate apparel for cosplay that these people really work hard at their passion, their craft. It is great to show them appreciation and to see the cosplayer’s appreciation of a job well done on their costumes. Same can be said for the rest of the crew of Moshi Moshi Productions as they’ve put every bit of work into what they do. Let’s show them the appreciation they deserve as they keep ramping up the steamrolling machine that Moshi John provides to us, the fans, that have a unique entertainment experience!
  9. Could Be Your First Celebrity Encounter – Moshi Moshi Productions’ parties tend to have with it celebrities that may spontaneously pop up after they have made their appearance to the MegaCon and/or Walker Stalker public. What better way to unwind from a day of autograph signing and photo ops than to chill out with their fandom in a casual fashion at the after party venue. There’s no better way to experience such an encounter whilst among your peers.
  10. The Music Will Keep Your Geek Groove On! – Moshi’s choices in dance music is spot on to keep your geek groove on and along with it I’ve seen my share of performers give it their all on stage, in the air, and on stilts.

That being said, there’s a lot of content to consume when attending a Moshi Moshi Productios event and this can lead to a person’s experience in making this real life encounter go viral. Feel free to spread the word and make sure to attend a coup de gras event that will be unforgotten!


Native Floridian who his highly passionate about all things 80s retro, geeky, sci-fi, and just about anything pop-culture. Tony enjoys writing about this very topic as well as immerse himself into the culture by attending events. There's nothing more fun than rubbing elbows with other interested cohorts of the craft.