Top 10

Top Ten Horror Movies To Watch On Halloween 2020

So as Halloween is right around the corner I thought I would give you all my top ten list of latest streaming horror films that I have watched over this long and terrible year of 2020.

10. Crawl

While Crawl isn’t a super scary movie the premise of the film of being stuck in the middle of a hurricane in a flooded Florida local yocal town and surrounded by aligators just awaiting to ambush you in the flooded high water is a scary thought for anyone, especially us who live in Florida and know that pretty much any body of water is harboring a family of large reptilian predators just ready to pounce on the closest living life form near it with just a quick jump out of the water.

Crawl is available on Amazon



9. Knock Knock

Okay while a movie about three hot looking adults isn’t really what one would say is horror, especially when it’s Keanu Reeves and two hot ladies (rawr!) but it can become a handful when married family man Keanu Reeves one day has two good looking femme fatals show up on his doorstep in the rain and in need of help. He agrees to let them in and give them a hand and send them on their way, but what happens when they really don’t want to leave?

Knock Knock is available on Netflix



8. Midsommar

A couple and some friends take a vacation to Sweden for a festival. The festival is held in a small off the beaten path village where only a select few seem to live, after making it to the village things take a turn for the worst as one by one friends seem to be disappearing off of the land.

Midsommar is available on Amazon



7. The Ritual

Another film based in Sweden. A group of five friends make a pact to go on a hike in the mountains of Sweden to honor a dead friends last wish. When one of them gets hurt on the hike the others decide to try and take a short cut out of the woods to get him help. The terror ensues not long after!

The Ritual is available on Netflix



6. Little Monsters

For those of us that don’t mind some comedy with their horror and no Howie Mandel is not in this movie, Little Monsters is the way to go. When an elementary school field trip to Pleasant Valley Farm goes astray due to the military base next door being at war and overrun by zombies. The day gets out of hand when the zombies reach the farm and find the kids. A battle for survival begins when a failed musician in love with a teacher become the childrens defenders.

Little Monsters is available on Hulu



5. Underwater

This movie is one of the reasons I don’t go in the ocean. I mean with all the sea creatures we know of just think about all the ones we aren’t aware of. Joining a long list of undersea horror films Underwater deals with a disaster that happens to a drilling station six miles under the ocean and the employees who are dealing with it and just want to get to the surface, but little do they know that something much worse is lurking in the darkness ahead.

Underwater is available on Amazon



4. Books Of Blood

As a long time Clive Barker fan I was super excited to hear that this movie was coming out, the only thing that bothered me was that it was exclusive to Hulu. I haven’t had many good experiences with Hulu horror as I feel like most Hulu exclusives are watered down and easy on the eyes for the fans of new horror or just getting into the horror genre.

With that being said I will say that the Books Of Blood really surprised me. It could be I am just being bias as I did say in the beginning I am a Clive Barker fan, but even Clive has many misses in my opinion. Just look at the Hellraiser series. Hellraiser and Hellraiser 2 are it’s saving grace, and then for years I have been trying to figure out why we got Hellraiser 3 and up. I also love Rawhead Rex, you can laugh at me all you want but Rawhead Rex is a comic book like horror classic in my eyes.

Nightbreed. As much as I love Cabal, Nightbreed was all over the place, but that later Shout! Factory Directors Cut sort of saved it for me. Anyway, back to the Books Of Blood. I imagine that this is a sequel or a remake, or maybe neither to the 2009 Book Of Blood movie which was meh, but this new Books Of Blood to me was worth a watch. The trailer they showed on Hulu a couple months before got me really going and I laid in wait for it. Seriously.

Eventually what we got was a three part horror anthology of what I felt were very good connected stories. It isn’t the greatest Clive Barker movie adaption, but then again as I mentioned up top, not all of them are, but I did feel like Hulu at least tried, and I did read somewhere that Clive Barker was on the set while filming which also could have helped.

I have no idea why I just basically reviewed this. It wasn’t my intention.. LOL!

Books Of Blood is available on Hulu



3. Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark

Another movie I was real excitied about, and another antholoy none the less. Based on the banned book series by Alvin Schwartz. Guillermo del Toro really put all of his horror motivated angst into adapting the books to film. While not so scary but I feel more so creepy the story and secrets of the Bellows family come to life like true magic.

Sarah Bellows turns her tortured life and horrible secrets into a series of scary stories which effect a group of teens who wander into Sarah Bellows spooky old home.

Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark is available on Amazon



2. Doctor Sleep

While not so much of a horror it is the sequel to The Shining, which when I was a kid was a bit scary, at least a few scenes anyway.

This movie brings us an an older Dan Torrance, now a struggling alcoholic and living on the road for the most part. Danny meets Abra, a young girl who also has the Shine. Together they try to elude the True Knot, a cult who wants immortality by surviving off of the essence of others who live with the Shine.

Doctor Sleep is available on Amazon



1. In The Tall Grass

Stephen King and son Joe Hill bring us this straight to Netflix movie adaption of In The Tall Grass. A brother and sister set out to help a young boy lost in the tall grass field off of a descalite highway.

In The Tall Grass is available on Netflix



Have a Happy Halloween everyone!


Florida gamer girl into anything horror. I am always up for horror movie and novel suggestions. Tell me a scary story..