
Wayne’s Comics Podcast #630: Interviews with Mike Perkins and Eli Powell; Wells Thompson and Dalton Shannon

Time for another excellent Kickstarter double-header this week in Episode #630 this week. First up is Invader Comics Editor-in-Chief Mike Perkins and Still creator Eli Powell. Then it’s the return of MechaTon creators Dalton Shannon and Wells Thompson!

Mike introduces us to Invader Comics, an upcoming company that’s taking on the comics industry by storm! Then we discuss Still, a new graphic novel with Eli, the book’s creator. This book is being funded right now on Kickstarter. It’s described this way: “The follow up to Eli’s brutal book, Ravage. Still tells a tale of loneliness, fear, and redemption.” We talk about how Eli and Mike worked together to make this book happen, who the characters are, how the art was created, and what else we can expect from Eli and Invader Comics in the months ahead! Be sure to back this project before it concludes on Sunday, March 10!

Then everything wraps up with my engaging discussion with returning MechaTon creators Wells Thompson and Dalton Shannon. They have a Kickstarter currently underway for the book’s first volume, which is described this way “A slacker, an artist, and a witch discover an alien glove that turns anything it punches into a pilotable mech. 108 completed pages!” We catch up on what these guys are up to, what’s included in this first volume, and what is coming our way in the next few months from Dalton and Wells! This Kickstarter will conclude on Wednesday, March 6, at 12:00 p.m. EST, so be sure to back this project once you have finished listening to this great interview!


Wayne Hall creates the weekly Wayne's Comics Podcast. He’s interviewed Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, John Layman, Kyle Higgins, Phil Hester, Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray, David Petersen, Christos Gage, Mike Grell, and Matt Kindt. He lives in Central Florida near Orlando, where he has resided for 7 years.