We are back after a brief pause. Juan Sanmiguel has rejoined MarkWHO42’s Universe after a short stint away. The X-Men animated television show has also returned, resuming after… Continue reading
Tag: Grant Morrison
✅► Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheReasonsImBroke ◄✅ In Ep. 583, Scott and I discuss a recommended comic reading list for Batman, the potential GTA VI $150 launch, Rotten… Continue reading
Wayne’s Comics Podcast #548: Interviews with Paul Cornell & Steve Yeowell and Caleb Palmquist
Paul Cornell & Steve Yeowell from Three Little Wishes and Caleb Palmquist from Unicorn: Vampire Hunter are featured in Episode #548 this week! 550 Views http://usschesapeake.org/weblogs/WaynesComics/audio/WComics548.mp3Podcast: Play in… Continue reading
✅► Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheReasonsImBroke ◄✅ In Ep. 514, Scott and I cover the TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures announcement, The Flash’s canceled comic cover, Reggie Fils-Aime’s thoughts… Continue reading